Lin QIU 邱林
Lin QIU 邱林
Associate Professor of Psychology, Communication, and Policy Studies,Chinese University of Hong Kong
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
You Are What You Tweet: Personality Expression and Perception on Twitter
L Qiu, H Lin, J Ramsay, F Yang
Journal of Research in Personality, 2012
Putting their best foot forward: Emotional disclosure on Facebook
L Qiu, H Lin, AK Leung, W Tov
Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking 15 (10), 569-572, 2012
What does your selfie say about you?
L Qiu, J Lu, S Yang, W Qu, T Zhu
Computers in Human Behavior 52, 443-449, 2015
Embodied Metaphors and Creative “Acts”
AK Leung, S Kim, E Polman, L Ong, L Qiu, JA Goncalo, J Sanchez-Burks
Psychological science 23 (5), 502-509, 2012
Emotional Disclosure on Social Networking Sites: The role of Network Structure and Psychological Needs
H Lin, W Tov, L Qiu
Computers in Human Behavior 41, 342-350, 2014
Cultural Differences and Switching of In-Group Sharing Behavior Between an American (Facebook) and a Chinese (Renren) Social Networking Site
L Qiu, H Lin, AK Leung
Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 2013
Nature in Virtual Reality Improves Mood and Reduces Stress: Evidence from Young Adults and Senior Citizens
SHM Chan, L Qiu, G Esposito, KP Mai, KP Tam, J Cui
Virtual Reality, 2021
Do Facebook Status Updates Reflect Subjective Well-being?
P Liu, W Tov, M Kosinski, DJ Stillwell, L Qiu
Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking, 2015
Detecting Well-Being via Computerized Content Analysis of Brief Diary Entries.
W Tov, KL Ng, H Lin, L Qiu
Journal of Personality Assessment, 2013
A many-analysts approach to the relation between religiosity and well-being
S Hoogeveen, A Sarafoglou, B Aczel, Y Aditya, AJ Alayan, PJ Allen, ...
Religion, Brain & Behavior, 1-47, 2022
The role of instrumental emotion regulation in the emotions-creativity link: how worries render neurotic individuals more creative
AKY Leung, S Liou, L Qiu, L Kwan, C Chiu, JC Yong
Proceedings of the 9th ACM Conference on Creativity & Cognition, 332-336, 2013
Embodied Cultural Cognition: Situating the Study of Embodied Cognition in Socio‐Cultural Contexts
AK Leung, L Qiu, L Ong, KP Tam
Social and Personality Psychology Compass 5 (9), 591-608, 2011
Big data in social and psychological science: theoretical and methodological issues.
L Qiu, S Chan, D Chan
Journal of Computational Social Science 1, 59-66, 2018
Two sites, two voices: Linguistic differences between Facebook status updates and tweets
H Lin, L Qiu
Cross-Cultural Design. Cultural Differences in Everyday Life: 5th …, 2013
Vertical greenery buffers against stress: Evidence from psychophysiological responses in virtual reality
SHM Chan, L Qiu, G Esposito, KP Mai
Landscape and Urban Planning, 2021
Sharing emotion on Facebook: network size, density, and individual motivation
H Lin, L Qiu
Proceedings of the 2012 ACM annual conference extended abstracts on Human …, 2012
The Einstein effect provides global evidence for scientific source credibility effects and the influence of religiosity
S Hoogeveen, JM Haaf, JA Bulbulia, RM Ross, R McKay, S Altay, ...
Nature Human Behaviour 6 (4), 523-535, 2022
Do others perceive you as you want them to? Modeling personality based on selfies
SC Guntuku, L Qiu, S Roy, W Lin, V Jakhetiya
Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Affect and Sentiment in …, 2015
Effects of Cultural Tightness–Looseness and Social Network Density on Expression of Positive and Negative Emotions: A Large-Scale Study of Impression Management by Facebook Users
P Liu, D Chan, L Qiu, W Tov, VJC Tong
Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 2018
A Meta-analysis of Linguistic Markers of Extraversion: Positive Emotion and Social Process Words
J Chen, L Qiu, MHR Ho
Journal of Research in Personality, 2020
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مقالات 1–20