Uli Würfel
Uli Würfel
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Physics of Solar Cells: From Basic Principles to Advanced Concepts
P Würfel, U Würfel
Nanocrystalline dye‐sensitized solar cells having maximum performance
JM Kroon, NJ Bakker, HJP Smit, P Liska, KR Thampi, P Wang, ...
Progress in Photovoltaics: Research and Applications 15 (1), 1-18, 2007
Charge Carrier Separation in Solar Cells
U Würfel, A Cuevas, P Würfel
IEEE Journal of Photovoltaics, 2014
A planar copolymer for high efficiency polymer solar cells
R Qin, W Li, C Li, C Du, C Veit, HF Schleiermacher, M Andersson, Z Bo, ...
Journal of the American Chemical Society 131 (41), 14612-14613, 2009
Impact of charge transport on current–voltage characteristics and power-conversion efficiency of organic solar cells
U Würfel, D Neher, A Spies, S Albrecht
Nature communications 6, 6951, 2015
Longterm stability of efficient inverted P3HT: PCBM solar cells
B Zimmermann, U Würfel, M Niggemann
Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells 93 (4), 491-496, 2009
A round robin study of flexible large-area roll-to-roll processed polymer solar cell modules
FC Krebs, SA Gevorgyan, B Gholamkhass, S Holdcroft, C Schlenker, ...
Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells 93 (11), 1968-1977, 2009
Ethanedithiol Treatment of Solution‐Processed ZnO Thin Films: Controlling the Intragap States of Electron Transporting Interlayers for Efficient and Stable Inverted Organic …
S Bai, Y Jin, X Liang, Z Ye, Z Wu, B Sun, Z Ma, Z Tang, J Wang, U Würfel, ...
Advanced energy materials 5 (5), 1401606, 2015
Investigation of the degradation mechanisms of a variety of organic photovoltaic devices by combination of imaging techniques—the ISOS-3 inter-laboratory collaboration
R Rösch, DM Tanenbaum, M Jørgensen, M Seeland, M Bärenklau, ...
Energy & Environmental Science 5 (4), 6521-6540, 2012
An inter-laboratory stability study of roll-to-roll coated flexible polymer solar modules
SA Gevorgyan, AJ Medford, E Bundgaard, SB Sapkota, ...
Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells 95 (5), 1398-1416, 2011
Roadmap on organic–inorganic hybrid perovskite semiconductors and devices
L Schmidt-Mende, V Dyakonov, S Olthof, F Ünlü, KMT Lê, S Mathur, ...
APL Materials 9 (10), 109202, 2021
Characterization of perovskite solar cells: Towards a reliable measurement protocol
E Zimmermann, KK Wong, M Müller, H Hu, P Ehrenreich, M Kohlstädt, ...
APL Materials 4 (9), 091901, 2016
In Situ Formation of MoO3 in PEDOT:PSS Matrix: A Facile Way to Produce a Smooth and Less Hygroscopic Hole Transport Layer for Highly Stable Polymer Bulk …
S Shao, J Liu, J Bergqvist, S Shi, C Veit, U Würfel, Z Xie, F Zhang
Advanced Energy Materials 3 (3), 349-355, 2013
ITO-free flexible inverted organic solar cell modules with high fill factor prepared by slot die coating
B Zimmermann, HF Schleiermacher, M Niggemann, U Würfel
Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells 95 (7), 1587-1589, 2011
Handbook of Energy Harvesting Power Supplies and Applications
L Mateu, PS Spies, W Kaal, MF Muller, B Zimmermann, U Wurfel, ...
9-Alkylidene-9 H-Fluorene-Containing Polymer for High-Efficiency Polymer Solar Cells
C Du, C Li, W Li, X Chen, Z Bo, C Veit, Z Ma, U Wuerfel, H Zhu, W Hu, ...
Macromolecules 44 (19), 7617-7624, 2011
The ISOS-3 inter-laboratory collaboration focused on the stability of a variety of organic photovoltaic devices
DM Tanenbaum, M Hermenau, E Voroshazi, MT Lloyd, Y Galagan, ...
Rsc Advances 2 (3), 882-893, 2012
Analysing the effect of crystal size and structure in highly efficient CH 3 NH 3 PbI 3 perovskite solar cells by spatially resolved photo-and electroluminescence imaging
S Mastroianni, FD Heinz, JH Im, W Veurman, M Padilla, MC Schubert, ...
Nanoscale 7 (46), 19653-19662, 2015
Identifying the impact of surface recombination at electrodes in organic solar cells by means of electroluminescence and modeling
J Reinhardt, M Grein, C Bühler, M Schubert, U Würfel
Advanced Energy Materials 4 (11), 1400081, 2014
Influence of the indium tin oxide/organic interface on open-circuit voltage, recombination, and cell degradation in organic small-molecule solar cells
S Schäfer, A Petersen, TA Wagner, R Kniprath, D Lingenfelser, A Zen, ...
Physical Review B 83 (16), 165311, 2011
يتعذر على النظام إجراء العملية في الوقت الحالي. عاود المحاولة لاحقًا.
مقالات 1–20