Jim Anderson
Jim Anderson
Professor Emeritus of Language and Literacy Education, University of British Columbia
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Parents' beliefs about young children's literacy development and parents' literacy behaviors
J Lynch, J Anderson, A Anderson, J Shapiro
Reading Psychology 27 (1), 1-20, 2006
Taking stock of family literacy: Some contemporary perspectives
J Anderson, A Anderson, N Friedrich, JE Kim
Journal of Early Childhood Literacy 10 (1), 33-53, 2010
Unlocking the door: Is parents' reading to children the key to early literacy development?
LM Phillips, SP Norris, J Anderson
Canadian Psychology/Psychologie canadienne 49 (2), 82, 2008
Supporting multiple literacies: Parents’ and children’s mathematical talk within storybook reading
A Anderson, J Anderson, J Shapiro
Mathematics education research Journal 16 (3), 5-26, 2005
Mathematical discourse in shared storybook reading
A Anderson, J Anderson, J Shapiro
Journal for Research in Mathematics Education 35 (1), 5-33, 2004
At home with the Johars: Another look at family literacy
S Mui, J Anderson
The Reading Teacher 62 (3), 234-243, 2008
Examining the effects of gender and genre on interactions in shared book reading
J Anderson, A Anderson, J Lynch, J Shapiro
Literacy Research and Instruction 43 (4), 1-20, 2004
Mother—child shared reading with print and digital texts
JE Kim, J Anderson
Journal of Early Childhood Literacy 8 (2), 213-245, 2008
Diversity in parental storybook reading
J Shapiro, J Anderson, A Anderson
Early Child Development and Care 127 (1), 47-58, 1997
Literacy teachers learning a new literacy: A study of the use of electronic mail in a reading education class
J Anderson, A Lee
Literacy Research and Instruction 34 (3), 222-238, 1995
Extra-textual talk in shared book reading: A focus on questioning .
J Anderson, A., Anderson, J., Lynch, J., Shapiro, J., & Kim
Early Child Development and Care 182 (9), 1139-1154, 2012
Listening to parents' voices: Cross cultural perceptions of learning to read and to write
J Anderson
Reading Horizons: A Journal of Literacy and Language Arts 35 (5), 3, 1995
Storybook reading in a multicultural society: Critical perspectives
J Anderson, A Anderson, J Lynch, J Shapiro
On reading books to children: Parents and teachers, 203-230, 2003
How parents perceptions of literacy acquisition relate to their children's emerging literacy knowledge
J Anderson
Reading Horizons: A Journal of Literacy and Language Arts 35 (3), 3, 1995
Family literacy programmes and young children’s language and literacy development: Paying attention to families’ home language
J Anderson, A Anderson, A Sadiq
Early Child Development and Care 187 (3-4), 644-654, 2017
Measuring situated literacy activity: Challenges and promises
V Purcell-Gates, J Anderson, M Gagne, K Jang, KA Lenters, M McTavish
Journal of Literacy Research 44 (4), 396-425, 2012
Literacy learning outside the classroom: Literacy learning from a multicultural perspective
R Hayden, J Anderson, L Gunderson
The Reading Teacher 50 (6), 514-516, 1997
Transitions to early childhood education and care for indigenous children and families in Canada: Historical and social realities
J Hare, J Anderson
Australasian Journal of Early Childhood 35 (2), 19-27, 2010
" A Great Program... for Me as a Gramma": Caregivers Evaluate a Family Literacy Initiative
J Anderson, F Morrison
Canadian Journal of Education/Revue canadienne de l'éducation, 68-89, 2007
Fathers' and mothers' book selection preferences for their four year old children abstract
J Anderson, A Anderson, J Shapiro, J Lynch
Reading Horizons: A Journal of Literacy and Language Arts 41 (4), 1, 2001
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مقالات 1–20