Preeti Tripathi
Preeti Tripathi
Scientist, MOEF&CC, Lucknow
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Silicon mediates arsenic tolerance in rice (Oryza sativa L.) through lowering of arsenic uptake and improved antioxidant defence system
P Tripathi, RD Tripathi, RP Singh, S Dwivedi, D Goutam, M Shri, ...
Ecological engineering 52, 96-103, 2013
Roles for root iron plaque in sequestration and uptake of heavy metals and metalloids in aquatic and wetland plants
RD Tripathi, P Tripathi, S Dwivedi, A Kumar, A Mishra, PS Chauhan, ...
Metallomics 6 (10), 1789-1800, 2014
Transcriptomic and metabolomic shifts in rice roots in response to Cr (VI) stress
S Dubey, P Misra, S Dwivedi, S Chatterjee, SK Bag, S Mantri, MH Asif, ...
BMC genomics 11, 1-19, 2010
Selenite modulates the level of phenolics and nutrient element to alleviate the toxicity of arsenite in rice (Oryza sativa L.)
R Chauhan, S Awasthi, P Tripathi, S Mishra, S Dwivedi, A Niranjan, ...
Ecotoxicology and environmental safety 138, 47-55, 2017
Arsenic tolerances in rice (Oryza sativa) have a predominant role in transcriptional regulation of a set of genes including sulphur assimilation pathway and antioxidant system
A Rai, P Tripathi, S Dwivedi, S Dubey, M Shri, S Kumar, PK Tripathi, ...
Chemosphere 82 (7), 986-995, 2011
Arsenomics: omics of arsenic metabolism in plants
RD Tripathi, P Tripathi, S Dwivedi, S Dubey, S Chatterjee, D Chakrabarty, ...
Frontiers in physiology 3, 275, 2012
Differential response of oxidative stress and thiol metabolism in contrasting rice genotypes for arsenic tolerance
P Tripathi, A Mishra, S Dwivedi, D Chakrabarty, PK Trivedi, RP Singh, ...
Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 79, 189-198, 2012
Arsenate Exposure Affects Amino Acids, Mineral Nutrient Status and Antioxidants in Rice (Oryza sativa L.) Genotypes
S Dwivedi, RD Tripathi, P Tripathi, A Kumar, R Dave, S Mishra, R Singh, ...
Environmental Science & Technology 44 (24), 9542-9549, 2010
Arsenate and arsenite exposure modulate antioxidants and amino acids in contrasting arsenic accumulating rice (Oryza sativa L.) genotypes
R Dave, RD Tripathi, S Dwivedi, P Tripathi, G Dixit, YK Sharma, PK Trivedi, ...
Journal of Hazardous Materials 262, 1123-1131, 2013
Arsenic affects mineral nutrients in grains of various Indian rice (Oryza sativa L.) genotypes grown on arsenic-contaminated soils of West Bengal
S Dwivedi, RD Tripathi, S Srivastava, R Singh, A Kumar, P Tripathi, ...
Protoplasma 245, 113-124, 2010
Characterization of native microalgal strains for their chromium bioaccumulation potential: Phytoplankton response in polluted habitats
S Dwivedi, S Srivastava, S Mishra, A Kumar, RD Tripathi, UN Rai, R Dave, ...
Journal of hazardous materials 173 (1-3), 95-101, 2010
Arsenic tolerant Trichoderma sp. reduces arsenic induced stress in chickpea (Cicer arietinum)
P Tripathi, PC Singh, A Mishra, S Srivastava, R Chauhan, S Awasthi, ...
Environmental pollution 223, 137-145, 2017
Arsenite Tolerance is Related to Proportional Thiolic Metabolite Synthesis in Rice (Oryza sativa L.)
R Dave, PK Singh, P Tripathi, M Shri, G Dixit, S Dwivedi, D Chakrabarty, ...
Archives of environmental contamination and toxicology 64, 235-242, 2013
Arsenite tolerance in rice (Oryza sativa L.) involves coordinated role of metabolic pathways of thiols and amino acids
P Tripathi, RD Tripathi, RP Singh, S Dwivedi, D Chakrabarty, PK Trivedi, ...
Environmental Science and Pollution Research 20, 884-896, 2013
Arsenic affects essential and non-essential amino acids differentially in rice grains: inadequacy of amino acids in rice based diet
S Dwivedi, A Mishra, P Tripathi, R Dave, A Kumar, S Srivastava, ...
Environment International 46, 16-22, 2012
Arsenic accumulation in native plants of West Bengal, India: prospects for phytoremediation but concerns with the use of medicinal plants
P Tripathi, S Dwivedi, A Mishra, A Kumar, R Dave, S Srivastava, ...
Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 184, 2617-2631, 2012
Fly-ash augmented soil enhances heavy metal accumulation and phytotoxicity in rice (Oryza sativa L.); A concern for fly-ash amendments in agriculture sector
PK Singh, P Tripathi, S Dwivedi, S Awasthi, M Shri, D Chakrabarty, ...
Plant Growth Regulation 78, 21-30, 2016
Arsenic accumulation and tolerance in rootless macrophyte Najas indica are mediated through antioxidants, amino acids and phytochelatins
RD Tripathi, R Singh, P Tripathi, S Dwivedi, R Chauhan, B Adhikari, ...
Aquatic toxicology 157, 70-80, 2014
Arsenite stress variably stimulates pro‐oxidant enzymes, anatomical deformities, photosynthetic pigment reduction, and antioxidants in arsenic‐tolerant and sensitive rice seedlings
P Tripathi, RP Singh, YK Sharma, RD Tripathi
Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 34 (7), 1562-1571, 2015
Bioremediation potential of genus Portulaca L. collected from industrial areas in Vadodara, Gujarat, India
S Dwivedi, A Mishra, A Kumar, P Tripathi, R Dave, G Dixit, KK Tiwari, ...
Clean Technologies and Environmental Policy 14, 223-228, 2012
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مقالات 1–20