Lars H. Gulbrandsen
Lars H. Gulbrandsen
Research Professor at Fridtjof Nansen Institute
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Certification schemes and the impacts on forests and forestry
G Auld, LH Gulbrandsen, CL McDermott
Annual review of environment and resources 33 (1), 187-211, 2008
The emergence and effectiveness of the Marine Stewardship Council
LH Gulbrandsen
Marine Policy 33 (4), 654-660, 2009
Overlapping public and private governance: Can forest certification fill the gaps in the global forest regime?
LH Gulbrandsen
Global Environmental Politics 4 (2), 75-99, 2004
Dynamic governance interactions: Evolutionary effects of state responses to non‐state certification programs
LH Gulbrandsen
Regulation & Governance 8 (1), 74-92, 2014
Transnational environmental governance: the emergence and effects of the certification of forest and fisheries
LH Gulbrandsen
Edward Elgar Publishing, 2010
NGO influence in the implementation of the Kyoto Protocol: Compliance, flexibility mechanisms, and sinks
LH Gulbrandsen, S Andresen
Global environmental politics 4 (4), 54-75, 2004
Creating markets for eco‐labelling: Are consumers insignificant?
LH Gulbrandsen
International journal of consumer studies 30 (5), 477-489, 2006
Transparency in nonstate certification: consequences for accountability and legitimacy
G Auld, LH Gulbrandsen
Global Environmental Politics 10 (3), 97-119, 2010
The effectiveness of non-state governance schemes: a comparative study of forest certification in Norway and Sweden
LH Gulbrandsen
International Environmental Agreements: Politics, Law and Economics 5, 125-149, 2005
Linking EU climate and energy policies: Decision-making, implementation and reform
JB Skjærseth, PO Eikeland, LH Gulbrandsen, T Jevnaker
Linking EU Climate and Energy Policies, 2016
Accountability arrangements in non-state standards organizations: Instrumental design and imitation
LH Gulbrandsen
Organization 15 (4), 563-583, 2008
Mark of sustainability? Challenges for fishery and forestry eco-labeling
LH Gulbrandsen
Environment: Science and Policy for Sustainable Development 47 (5), 8-23, 2005
bp in Azerbaijan: a test case of the potential and limits of the csr agenda?
LH Gulbrandsen, A Moe
Third World Quarterly 28 (4), 813-830, 2007
Who influences windpower licensing decisions in Norway? Formal requirements and informal practices
THJ Inderberg, H Rognstad, IL Saglie, LH Gulbrandsen
Energy Research & Social Science 52, 181-191, 2019
Sustainable forestry in Sweden: the effect of competition among private certification schemes
LH Gulbrandsen
The Journal of Environment & Development 14 (3), 338-355, 2005
The limited effect of EU emissions trading on corporate climate strategies: Comparison of a Swedish and a Norwegian pulp and paper company
LH Gulbrandsen, C Stenqvist
Energy Policy 56, 516-525, 2013
Oil company CSR collaboration in ‘new’petro-states
LH Gulbrandsen, A Moe
Journal of Corporate Citizenship, 53-64, 2005
The evolving forest regime and domestic actors: strategic or normative adaptation?
L Gulbrandsen
Environmental politics 12 (2), 95-114, 2003
The Norwegian reform of protected area management: a grand experiment with delegation of authority?
OK Fauchald, LH Gulbrandsen
Local Environment 17 (2), 203-222, 2012
The evolution of carbon markets: Design and diffusion
J Wettestad, L Gulbrandsen
Routledge, 2017
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مقالات 1–20