Sergio Belda-Miquel
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Grassroots social innovation for human development: An analysis of alternative food networks in the city of Valencia (Spain)
V Pellicer-Sifres, S Belda-Miquel, A López-Fogués, A Boni Aristizábal
Journal of Human Development and Capabilities 18 (2), 258-274, 2017
Learning, transformative action, and grassroots innovation: Insights from the Spanish energy cooperative Som Energia
V Pellicer-Sifres, S Belda-Miquel, I Cuesta-Fernández, A Boni
Energy Research & Social Science 42, 100-111, 2018
Institutionalization and depoliticization of the right to the city: Changing scenarios for radical social movements
S Belda‐Miquel, J Peris Blanes, A Frediani
International Journal of Urban and Regional Research 40 (2), 321-339, 2016
SDG localisation and decentralised development aid: Exploring opposing discourses and practices in Valencia's aid sector
S Belda-Miquel, A Boni, C Calabuig
Journal of Human Development and Capabilities 20 (4), 386-402, 2019
Innovación transformadora. Propuestas desde la innovación social colectiva para el desarrollo humano
A Boni, S Belda-Miquel, V Pellicer-Sifres
Recerca: revista de pensament i anàlisi, 67-94, 2018
Exploring the contribution of grassroots innovations to justice: Using the capability approach to normatively address bottom-up sustainable transitions practices
S Belda-Miquel, V Pellicer-Sifres, A Boni
Sustainability 12 (9), 3617, 2020
Addressing sustainable food management in hotels: proposing a framework and examining hotel groups
ME Ruiz Molina, S Belda-Miquel, A Hytti, I Gil-Saura
British Food Journal 124 (2), 462-492, 2022
Educación para la ciudadanía global crítica
A Boni Aristizábal, S Belda Miquel, C Calabuig
Editorial Síntesis, 2020
Challengers in energy transitions beyond renewable energy cooperatives: community-owned electricity distribution cooperatives in Spain
I Cuesta-Fernandez, S Belda-Miquel, C Calabuig Tormo
Innovation: The European Journal of Social Science Research 33 (2), 140-159, 2020
Informal learning for citizenship building in shared struggles for rights: Cases of political solidarity between Colombian and Spanish organisations
S Belda-Miquel, A Boni Aristizábal, MF Sañudo Pazos
Voluntas: International journal of voluntary and nonprofit organizations 27 …, 2016
Initiatives towards a participatory smart city. The role of digital grassroots innovations
A Boni, A López-Fogués, Á Fernández-Baldor, G Millan, S Belda-Miquel
Journal of global ethics 15 (2), 168-182, 2019
Analysing participatory video through the capability approach–A case study in Quart de Poblet (Valencia, Spain)
A Boni, A Lopez-Fogues, G Millán, S Belda-Miquel
Action Research 18 (3), 282-301, 2020
Pro-environmental behaviours of generation Z: a cross-cultural approach
IJ Juma-Michilena, ME Ruiz-Molina, I Gil-Saura, S Belda-Miquel
International Review on Public and Nonprofit Marketing 21 (3), 1-29, 2024
Are rights-based approaches helping (re) politicise development NGOs? Exploring the Spanish case
S Belda-Miquel, A Boni, I Cuesta-Fernández, J Peris
International Development Planning Review 38 (2), 135-157, 2016
Exploring connections between social innovation, grassroots processes and human development: an analysis of alternative food networks in the city of Valencia
V Pellicer, S Belda, A López, A Boni
Valencia: Ingenio (CSIC-UPV). Recuperado de http://www. ingenio. upv. es …, 2016
Capacity development for emancipatory social change. Reimaging university learning and teaching for critical development practitioners
S Belda, A Boni, L Terol, J Peris
EADI/DSA General Conference., 2011
Rethinking Capacity Development For Critical Development Practice. Inquiry Into A Postgraduate Programme
S Belda, A Boni, J Peris, L Terol
Journal of International Development 24 (5), 571-584, 2012
Adaptando los ODS a lo Local mediante la Educación para el Desarrollo. La Experiencia de la Estrategia de la Ciudad de Valencia
A Boni Aristizábal, S Belda-Miquel, C Calabuig Tormo, MA Millán-Franco, ...
Revista Internacional de Educación para la Justicia Social 8 (1), 117-134, 2019
Hacia una cooperación internacional transformadora
S Belda-Miquel, A Boni, MF Sañudo
Solidaridades y aprendizajes con movimientos sociales por los derechos …, 2016
Hacia una cooperación internacional transformadora. Solidaridades y aprendizajes con movimientos sociales por los derechos humanos en Colombia
S Belda Miquel, A Boni Aristizábal, MF Sañudo Pazos
Icaria Editorial, 2016
يتعذر على النظام إجراء العملية في الوقت الحالي. عاود المحاولة لاحقًا.
مقالات 1–20