David Masica
David Masica
Director of Convergence AI and Data Analytics (AbbVie)
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Defining the disease liability of variants in the cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator gene
PR Sosnay, KR Siklosi, F Van Goor, K Kaniecki, H Yu, N Sharma, ...
Nature genetics 45 (10), 1160-1167, 2013
A combination of molecular markers and clinical features improve the classification of pancreatic cysts
S Springer, Y Wang, M Dal Molin, DL Masica, Y Jiao, I Kinde, A Blackford, ...
Gastroenterology 149 (6), 1501-1510, 2015
Phosphorylation‐dependent inhibition of mineralization by osteopontin ASARM peptides is regulated by PHEX cleavage
WN Addison, DL Masica, JJ Gray, MD McKee
Journal of Bone and Mineral Research 25 (4), 695-705, 2010
Human bile contains microRNA‐laden extracellular vesicles that can be used for cholangiocarcinoma diagnosis
L Li, D Masica, M Ishida, C Tomuleasa, S Umegaki, AN Kalloo, ...
Hepatology 60 (3), 896-907, 2014
Genomic alterations in head and neck squamous cell carcinoma determined by cancer gene-targeted sequencing
CH Chung, VB Guthrie, DL Masica, C Tokheim, H Kang, J Richmon, ...
Annals of oncology 26 (6), 1216-1223, 2015
Correlation of somatic mutation and expression identifies genes important in human glioblastoma progression and survival
DL Masica, R Karchin
Cancer research 71 (13), 4550-4561, 2011
A multimodality test to guide the management of patients with a pancreatic cyst
S Springer, DL Masica, M Dal Molin, C Douville, CJ Thoburn, B Afsari, L Li, ...
Science translational medicine 11 (501), eaav4772, 2019
Structure prediction of protein− solid surface interactions reveals a molecular recognition motif of statherin for hydroxyapatite
K Makrodimitris, DL Masica, ET Kim, JJ Gray
Journal of the American Chemical Society 129 (44), 13713-13722, 2007
Exome-scale discovery of hotspot mutation regions in human cancer using 3D protein structure
C Tokheim, R Bhattacharya, N Niknafs, DM Gygax, R Kim, M Ryan, ...
Cancer research 76 (13), 3719-3731, 2016
Assessing the pathogenicity of insertion and deletion variants with the variant effect scoring tool (VEST‐Indel)
C Douville, DL Masica, PD Stenson, DN Cooper, DM Gygax, R Kim, ...
Human mutation 37 (1), 28-35, 2016
IPMNs with co-occurring invasive cancers: neighbours but not always relatives
M Felsenstein, M Noë, DL Masica, W Hosoda, P Chianchiano, CG Fischer, ...
Gut 67 (9), 1652-1662, 2018
Enzyme replacement therapy prevents dental defects in a model of hypophosphatasia
MD McKee, Y Nakano, DL Masica, JJ Gray, I Lemire, R Heft, MP Whyte, ...
Journal of dental research 90 (4), 470-476, 2011
Intraductal papillary mucinous neoplasms arise from multiple independent clones, each with distinct mutations
CG Fischer, VB Guthrie, AM Braxton, L Zheng, P Wang, Q Song, JF Griffin, ...
Gastroenterology 157 (4), 1123-1137. e22, 2019
Assessment of the clinical relevance of BRCA2 missense variants by functional and computational approaches
L Guidugli, H Shimelis, DL Masica, VS Pankratz, GB Lipton, N Singh, ...
The American Journal of Human Genetics 102 (2), 233-248, 2018
Synthetic promoters capable of driving robust nuclear gene expression in the green alga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii
MA Scranton, JT Ostrand, DR Georgianna, SM Lofgren, D Li, RC Ellis, ...
Algal Research 15, 135-142, 2016
Modulation of calcium oxalate dihydrate growth by selective crystal-face binding of phosphorylated osteopontin and polyaspartate peptide showing occlusion by sectoral …
YC Chien, DL Masica, JJ Gray, S Nguyen, H Vali, MD McKee
Journal of Biological Chemistry 284 (35), 23491-23501, 2009
Solid-state NMR studies of biomineralization peptides and proteins
A Roehrich, J Ash, A Zane, DL Masica, JJ Gray, G Goobes, G Drobny
Proteins at Interfaces III State of the Art, 77-96, 2012
Solution-and adsorbed-state structural ensembles predicted for the statherin-hydroxyapatite system
DL Masica, JJ Gray
Biophysical Journal 96 (8), 3082-3091, 2009
De Novo Design of Peptide− Calcite Biomineralization Systems
DL Masica, SB Schrier, EA Specht, JJ Gray
Journal of the American Chemical Society 132 (35), 12252-12262, 2010
CAPRI rounds 3–5 reveal promising successes and future challenges for RosettaDock
MD Daily, D Masica, A Sivasubramanian, S Somarouthu, JJ Gray
PROTEINS: Structure, Function, and Bioinformatics 60 (2), 181-186, 2005
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مقالات 1–20