Penny Rheingans
Penny Rheingans
بريد إلكتروني تم التحقق منه على cs.umbc.edu
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Interpolating implicit surfaces from scattered surface data using compactly supported radial basis functions
BS Morse, TS Yoo, P Rheingans, DT Chen, KR Subramanian
ACM SIGGRAPH 2005 Courses, 78-es, 2005
Volume illustration: Nonphotorealistic rendering of volume models
P Rheingans, D Ebert
IEEE transactions on visualization and computer graphics 7 (3), 253-264, 2001
Overview and state-of-the-art of uncertainty visualization
GP Bonneau, HC Hege, CR Johnson, MM Oliveira, K Potter, P Rheingans, ...
Scientific visualization: Uncertainty, multifield, biomedical, and scalable …, 2014
NIH-NSF visualization research challenges report
C Johnson, R Moorhead, T Munzner, H Pfister, P Rheingans, TS Yoo
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 2005
Authoring narrative visualizations with ellipsis
A Satyanarayan, J Heer
Computer Graphics Forum 33 (3), 361-370, 2014
Non-photorealistic volume rendering using stippling techniques
A Lu, CJ Morris, DS Ebert, P Rheingans, C Hansen
IEEE Visualization, 2002. VIS 2002., 211-218, 2002
Point-based probabilistic surfaces to show surface uncertainty
G Grigoryan, P Rheingans
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics 10 (5), 564-573, 2004
Procedural annotation of uncertain information
A Cedilnik, P Rheingans
Proceedings Visualization 2000. VIS 2000 (Cat. No. 00CH37145), 77-84, 2000
Task-based color scale design
PL Rheingans
28th AIPR Workshop: 3D Visualization for Data Exploration and Decision …, 2000
Texture-based transfer functions for direct volume rendering
JJ Caban, P Rheingans
IEEE transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics 14 (6), 1364-1371, 2008
Preserving the big picture: Visual network traffic analysis with tnv
JR Goodall, WG Lutters, P Rheingans, A Komlodi
IEEE Workshop on Visualization for Computer Security, 2005.(VizSEC 05)., 47-54, 2005
Illustration-inspired techniques for visualizing time-varying data
A Joshi, P Rheingans
VIS 05. IEEE Visualization, 2005., 679-686, 2005
Experimental analysis of the effectiveness of features in Chernoff faces
CJ Morris, DS Ebert, PL Rheingans
28th AIPR workshop: 3D visualization for data exploration and decision …, 2000
Illustrative interactive stipple rendering
A Lu, CJ Morris, J Taylor, DS Ebert, C Hansen, P Rheingans, M Hartner
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics 9 (2), 127-138, 2003
Designing effective transfer functions for volume rendering from photographic volumes
DS Ebert, CJ Morris, P Rheingans, TS Yoo
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer graphics 8 (2), 183-197, 2002
Perceptual principles for effective visualizations
P Rheingans, C Landreth
Perceptual issues in visualization, 59-73, 1995
A user-centered look at glyph-based security visualization
A Komlodi, P Rheingans, U Ayachit, JR Goodall, A Joshi
IEEE Workshop on Visualization for Computer Security, 2005.(VizSEC 05)., 21-28, 2005
NIH-NSF visualization research challenges report summary
T Munzner, C Johnson, R Moorhead, H Pfister, P Rheingans, TS Yoo
IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications 26 (2), 20-24, 2006
Focusing on context in network traffic analysis
JR Goodall, WG Lutters, P Rheingans, A Komlodi
IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications 26 (2), 72-80, 2006
Texture-based feature tracking for effective time-varying data visualization
J Caban, A Joshi, P Rheingans
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics 13 (6), 1472-1479, 2007
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مقالات 1–20