Vonnie C. McLoyd
Vonnie C. McLoyd
Professor of Psychology, University of Michigan
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Socioeconomic disadvantage and child development.
VC McLoyd
American psychologist 53 (2), 185, 1998
The impact of economic hardship on Black families and children: Psychological distress, parenting, and socioemotional development
VC McLoyd
Child development 61 (2), 311-346, 1990
Economic pressure in African American families: a replication and extension of the family stress model.
RD Conger, LE Wallace, Y Sun, RL Simons, VC McLoyd, GH Brody
Developmental psychology 38 (2), 179, 2002
Unemployment and work interruption among African American single mothers: Effects on parenting and adolescent socioemotional functioning
VC McLoyd, TE Jayaratne, R Ceballo, J Borquez
Child development 65 (2), 562-589, 1994
Economic well‐being and children's social adjustment: The role of family process in an ethnically diverse low‐income sample
RS Mistry, EA Vandewater, AC Huston, VC McLoyd
Child development 73 (3), 935-951, 2002
Motor development
KE Adolph, CM Hospodar
Developmental Science, 234-269, 2024
Children and poverty: Issues in contemporary research
AC Huston, VC McLoyd, CG Coll
Child development 65 (2), 275-282, 1994
Marital processes and parental socialization in families of color: A decade review of research
VC McLoyd, AM Cauce, D Takeuchi, L Wilson
Journal of Marriage and Family 62 (4), 1070-1093, 2000
Social support and parenting in poor, dangerous neighborhoods
R Ceballo, VC McLoyd
Child development 73 (4), 1310-1321, 2002
Discrimination, crime, ethnic identity, and parenting as correlates of depressive symptoms among African American children: A multilevel analysis
RL Simons, V Murry, V McLoyd, KH Lin, C Cutrona, RD Conger
Development and psychopathology 14 (2), 371-393, 2002
Socialization and development in a changing economy: The effects of paternal job and income loss on children
VC McLoyd
Adolescents and Their Families, 283-292, 2013
Physical discipline and behavior problems in African American, European American, and Hispanic children: Emotional support as a moderator
VC McLoyd, J Smith
Journal of Marriage and Family 64 (1), 40-53, 2002
The strain of living poor: Parenting, social support, and child mental health.
VC McLoyd, L Wilson
Cambridge University Press, 1994
Examining the Black–White achievement gap among low‐income children using the NICHD study of early child care and youth development
M Burchinal, K McCartney, L Steinberg, R Crosnoe, SL Friedman, ...
Child development 82 (5), 1404-1420, 2011
Parents' management of their children's education within the home, at school, and in the community: An examination of African-American families living in poverty
LM Gutman, VC McLoyd
The urban review 32 (1), 1-24, 2000
Growing up is harder to do
F Furstenberg, S Kennedy, R McLoyd, Vonnie C., Rumbaut, R Settersten
Contexts: Understanding people in their social worlds 3 (3), 33-41, 2004
Financial strain, neighborhood stress, parenting behaviors, and adolescent adjustment in urban African American families
L Morrison Gutman, VC McLoyd, T Tokoyawa
Journal of Research on Adolescence 15 (4), 425-449, 2005
Gender differences in the educational expectations of urban, low-income African American youth: The role of parents and the school
D Wood, R Kaplan, VC McLoyd
Journal of Youth and Adolescence 36, 417-427, 2007
Work-based antipoverty programs for parents can enhance the school performance and social behavior of children
AC Huston, GJ Duncan, R Granger, J Bos, V McLoyd, R Mistry, D Crosby, ...
Child development, 318-336, 2001
Maternal behavior, social support, and economic conditions as predictors of distress in children
VC McLoyd, L Wilson
New Directions for Child and Adolescent Development 1990 (46), 49-69, 1990
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مقالات 1–20