Friends of hot Jupiters. I. A radial velocity search for massive, long-period companions to close-in gas giant planets HA Knutson, BJ Fulton, BT Montet, M Kao, H Ngo, AW Howard, JR Crepp, ... The Astrophysical Journal 785 (2), 126, 2014 | 378 | 2014 |
Over half of the far-infrared background light comes from galaxies at z≥ 1.2 MJ Devlin, PAR Ade, I Aretxaga, JJ Bock, EL Chapin, M Griffin, ... Nature 458 (7239), 737-739, 2009 | 244 | 2009 |
BLAST: resolving the cosmic submillimeter background G Marsden, PAR Ade, JJ Bock, EL Chapin, MJ Devlin, SR Dicker, M Griffin, ... The Astrophysical Journal 707 (2), 1729, 2009 | 220 | 2009 |
Statistics of long period gas giant planets in known planetary systems ML Bryan, HA Knutson, AW Howard, H Ngo, K Batygin, JR Crepp, ... The Astrophysical Journal 821 (2), 89, 2016 | 211 | 2016 |
An excess of Jupiter analogs in super-earth systems ML Bryan, HA Knutson, EJ Lee, BJ Fulton, K Batygin, H Ngo, T Meshkat The Astronomical Journal 157 (2), 52, 2019 | 182 | 2019 |
Friends of hot jupiters. ii. no correspondence between hot-jupiter spin–orbit misalignment and the incidence of directly imaged stellar companions H Ngo, HA Knutson, S Hinkley, JR Crepp, EB Bechter, K Batygin, ... The Astrophysical Journal 800 (2), 138, 2015 | 179 | 2015 |
The orbital distribution of near-Earth objects inside Earth’s orbit S Greenstreet, H Ngo, B Gladman Icarus 217 (1), 355-366, 2012 | 166 | 2012 |
Friends of hot Jupiters. IV. Stellar companions beyond 50 au might facilitate giant planet formation, but most are unlikely to cause Kozai–Lidov migration H Ngo, HA Knutson, S Hinkley, M Bryan, JR Crepp, K Batygin, I Crossfield, ... The Astrophysical Journal 827 (1), 8, 2016 | 160 | 2016 |
orbitize!: A comprehensive orbit-fitting software package for the high-contrast imaging community S Blunt, JJ Wang, I Angelo, H Ngo, D Cody, RJ De Rosa, JR Graham, ... The Astronomical Journal 159 (3), 89, 2020 | 145 | 2020 |
BLAST: A far-infrared measurement of the history of star formation E Pascale, PAR Ade, JJ Bock, EL Chapin, MJ Devlin, S Dye, SA Eales, ... The Astrophysical Journal 707 (2), 1740, 2009 | 102 | 2009 |
Keck/NIRC2 L’-band imaging of Jovian-Mass accreting protoplanets around PDS 70 JJ Wang, S Ginzburg, B Ren, N Wallack, P Gao, D Mawet, CZ Bond, ... The Astronomical Journal 159 (6), 263, 2020 | 92 | 2020 |
Reference star differential imaging of close-in companions and circumstellar disks with the nirc2 vortex coronagraph at the wm keck observatory G Ruane, H Ngo, D Mawet, O Absil, É Choquet, T Cook, CG Gonzalez, ... The Astronomical Journal 157 (3), 118, 2019 | 85 | 2019 |
Obliquity constraints on an extrasolar planetary-mass companion ML Bryan, E Chiang, BP Bowler, CV Morley, S Millholland, S Blunt, ... The Astronomical Journal 159 (4), 181, 2020 | 66 | 2020 |
Characterizing the performance of the NIRC2 vortex coronagraph at WM Keck Observatory WJ Xuan, D Mawet, H Ngo, G Ruane, VP Bailey, É Choquet, O Absil, ... The Astronomical Journal 156 (4), 156, 2018 | 66 | 2018 |
WASP-12b AND HAT-P-8b are members of triple star systems EB Bechter, JR Crepp, H Ngo, HA Knutson, K Batygin, S Hinkley, ... The Astrophysical Journal 788 (1), 2, 2014 | 65 | 2014 |
KELT-16b: A highly irradiated, ultra-short period hot Jupiter nearing tidal disruption TE Oberst, JE Rodriguez, KD Colón, D Angerhausen, A Bieryla, H Ngo, ... The Astronomical Journal 153 (3), 97, 2017 | 61 | 2017 |
Characterization of the atmosphere of the hot Jupiter HAT-P-32Ab and the M-dwarf companion HAT-P-32B M Zhao, JG O'Rourke, JT Wright, HA Knutson, A Burrows, J Fortney, ... The Astrophysical Journal 796 (2), 115, 2014 | 57 | 2014 |
Near-infrared emission spectrum of WASP-103b using Hubble Space Telescope/wide field camera 3 KMS Cartier, TG Beatty, M Zhao, M Line, H Ngo, D Mawet, KG Stassun, ... The Astronomical Journal 153 (1), 34, 2016 | 56 | 2016 |
Planets around Low-mass Stars (PALMS). VI. Discovery of a Remarkably Red Planetary-mass Companion to the AB Dor Moving Group Candidate 2MASS J22362452+ 4751425 BP Bowler, MC Liu, D Mawet, H Ngo, L Malo, GN Mace, JN McLane, ... The Astronomical Journal 153 (1), 18, 2016 | 52 | 2016 |
On-sky performance of the QACITS pointing control technique with the Keck/NIRC2 vortex coronagraph E Huby, M Bottom, B Femenia, H Ngo, D Mawet, E Serabyn, O Absil Astronomy & Astrophysics 600, A46, 2017 | 51 | 2017 |