Marco Martalò
Marco Martalò
Associate Professor, University of Cagliari, Italy
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Wireless sensor networks: Performance analysis in indoor scenarios
G Ferrari, P Medagliani, S Di Piazza, M Martalo
EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking 2007, 1-14, 2007
Markov chain-based performance analysis of multihop IEEE 802.15. 4 wireless networks
M Martalo, S Busanelli, G Ferrari
Performance Evaluation 66 (12), 722-741, 2009
Decentralized detection in clustered sensor networks
G Ferrari, M Martalo, R Pagliari
IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems 47 (2), 959-973, 2011
Vertical handover between WiFi and UMTS networks: experimental performance analysis
S Busanelli, M Martalo, G Ferrari, G Spigoni, N Iotti, G Srl
International Journal of Energy, Information and Communications 2 (1), 75-96, 2011
Reinforcement learning for channel coding: Learned bit-flipping decoding
F Carpi, C Häger, M Martalò, R Raheli, HD Pfister
2019 57th Annual Allerton Conference on Communication, Control, and …, 2019
Sensor networks with IEEE 802.15. 4 systems: distributed processing, MAC, and connectivity
C Buratti, R Verdone, G Ferrari
Springer Science & Business Media, 2011
Improved UWB TDoA-based positioning using a single hotspot for industrial IoT applications
M Martalò, S Perri, G Verdano, F De Mola, F Monica, G Ferrari
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics 18 (6), 3915-3925, 2021
On driver behavior recognition for increased safety: a roadmap
L Davoli, M Martalò, A Cilfone, L Belli, G Ferrari, R Presta, R Montanari, ...
Safety 6 (4), 55, 2020
Information fusion for efficient target detection in large-scale surveillance wireless sensor networks
A Abrardo, M Martalo, G Ferrari
Information Fusion 38, 55-64, 2017
Clustering and sensing with decentralized detection in vehicular ad hoc networks
A Gorrieri, M Martalò, S Busanelli, G Ferrari
Ad Hoc Networks 36, 450-464, 2016
Clustered Zigbee networks with data fusion: Characterization and performance analysis
P Medagliani, M Martalò, G Ferrari
Ad Hoc Networks 9 (7), 1083-1103, 2011
RSSI-based methods for LOS/NLOS channel identification in indoor scenarios
F Carpi, L Davoli, M Martalò, A Cilfone, Y Yu, Y Wang, G Ferrari
2019 16th International Symposium on Wireless Communication Systems (ISWCS …, 2019
Information fusion in wireless sensor networks with source correlation
G Ferrari, M Martalò, A Abrardo
Information fusion 15, 80-89, 2014
On the information rate of phase noise-limited communications
M Martalò, C Tripodi, R Raheli
2013 Information Theory and Applications Workshop (ITA), 1-7, 2013
Randomized network coding in distributed storage systems with layered overlay
M Martalò, M Picone, M Amoretti, G Ferrari, R Raheli
2011 Information Theory and Applications Workshop, 1-7, 2011
Clustered IEEE 802.15. 4 sensor networks with data aggregation: Energy consumption and probability of error
M Martalo, C Buratti, G Ferrari, R Verdone
IEEE Wireless Communications Letters 2 (1), 70-73, 2012
Decentralised binary detection with non-constant SNR profile at the sensors
G Ferrari, R Pagliari, M Martalo
International Journal of Sensor Networks 4 (1-2), 23-36, 2008
Optimizing channel coding for orthogonal multiple access schemes with correlated sources
A Abrardo, G Ferrari, M Martalo, M Franceschini, R Raheli
2009 Information Theory and Applications Workshop, 5-14, 2009
A simple information-theoretic analysis of clustered sensor networks with decentralized detection
M Martalo, G Ferrari
IEEE Communications Letters 14 (6), 560-562, 2010
Density evolution-based analysis and design of LDPC codes with a priori information
M Martalò, G Ferrari, A Abrardo, M Franceschini, R Raheli
2010 Information Theory and Applications Workshop (ITA), 1-9, 2010
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مقالات 1–20