Doug Shelton
Doug Shelton
Gold Coast Hospital & Health Service, Griffith University Gold Coast
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Systematic review of fetal alcohol spectrum disorder interventions across the life span
N Reid, S Dawe, D Shelton, P Harnett, J Warner, E Armstrong, K LeGros, ...
Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research 39 (12), 2283-2295, 2015
Difficult‐to‐treat pediatric obsessive‐compulsive disorder: Feasibility and preliminary results of a randomized pilot trial of D‐cycloserine‐augmented behavior therapy
LJ Farrell, AM Waters, MJ Boschen, L Hattingh, H McConnell, EL Milliner, ...
Depression and anxiety 30 (8), 723-731, 2013
Perpetrator accounts in infant abusive head trauma brought about by a shaking event
D Biron, D Shelton
Child abuse & neglect 29 (12), 1347-1358, 2005
Randomised controlled trial: a parent‐based group education programme for overweight children
D Shelton, K Le Gros, L Norton, S Stanton‐Cook, J Morgan, P Masterman
Journal of paediatrics and child health 43 (12), 799-805, 2007
Australian guide to the diagnosis of foetal alcohol spectrum disorder: a summary
C Bower, EJ Elliott, M Zimmet, J Doorey, A Wilkins, V Russell, D Shelton, ...
Journal of Paediatrics and Child Health 53 (10), 1021, 2017
A qualitative evaluation of caregivers’ experiences, understanding and outcomes following diagnosis of FASD
K Chamberlain, N Reid, J Warner, D Shelton, S Dawe
Research in Developmental Disabilities 63, 99-106, 2017
Feasibility study of a family-focused intervention to improve outcomes for children with FASD
N Reid, S Dawe, P Harnett, D Shelton, L Hutton, F O’Callaghan
Research in developmental disabilities 67, 34-46, 2017
Nutrition and physical activity guidance for women in the pre-and post-natal period: a continuing education needs assessment in primary health care
R Hughes, J Maher, E Baillie, D Shelton
Australian Journal of Primary Health 17 (2), 135-141, 2011
Profile of children diagnosed with a fetal alcohol spectrum disorder: A retrospective chart review
N Reid, D Shelton, J Warner, F O'Callaghan, S Dawe
Drug and Alcohol review 36 (5), 677-681, 2017
Responding to fetal alcohol spectrum disorder in Australia
D Shelton, N Reid, H Till, F Butel, K Moritz
Journal of paediatrics and child health 54 (10), 1121-1126, 2018
Protocol for the Yapatjarrathati project: a mixed-method implementation trial of a tiered assessment process for identifying fetal alcohol Spectrum disorders in a remote …
D Shanley, D Shelton
BMC Health Services Research, 0
An investigation of the link between prenatal alcohol exposure and sleep problems across childhood
N Chandler-Mather, S Occhipinti, C Donovan, D Shelton, S Dawe
Drug and Alcohol Dependence 218, 108412, 2021
Yarning about fetal alcohol spectrum disorder: outcomes of a community-based workshop
N Reid, E Hawkins, W Liu, M Page, H Webster, M Katsikitis, D Shelton, ...
Research in Developmental Disabilities 108, 103810, 2021
Physiological self-regulation and mindfulness in children with a diagnosis of fetal alcohol spectrum disorder
N Reid, P Harnett, F O’Callaghan, D Shelton, M Wyllie, S Dawe
Developmental neurorehabilitation 22 (4), 228-233, 2019
Lived experiences of the diagnostic assessment process for fetal alcohol spectrum disorder: A systematic review of qualitative evidence
N Hayes, K Bagley, N Hewlett, EJ Elliott, CF Pestell, MJ Gullo, Z Munn, ...
Alcohol: Clinical and Experimental Research 47 (7), 1209-1223, 2023
Functional time limit and onset of symptoms in infant abusive head trauma
DL Biron, D Shelton
Journal of paediatrics and child health 43 (1‐2), 60-65, 2007
A contemporary review of the assessment, diagnosis and treatment of ADHD
C Wright, D Shelton, M Wright
Australian Journal of Learning Difficulties 14 (2), 199-214, 2009
Effect of care coordination using an allied health liaison officer for chronic noncomplex medical conditions in children: a multicenter randomized clinical trial
TT Frakking, HJ Teoh, D Shelton, S Moloney, D Ward, K Annetts, M David, ...
JAMA pediatrics 176 (3), 244-252, 2022
Integrated children’s clinic care (ICCC) versus a self-directed care pathway for children with a chronic health condition: a multi-centre randomised controlled trial study protocol
TT Frakking, J Waugh, HJ Teoh, D Shelton, S Moloney, D Ward, M David, ...
BMC pediatrics 18, 1-9, 2018
PROTOCOL: Interventions for improving executive functions in children with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder: Systematic review and meta‐analysis
J Betts, S Dawe, E Eggins, D Shelton, H Till, P Harnett, ...
Campbell Systematic Reviews 15 (1-2), e1009, 2019
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مقالات 1–20