Brenda Volling
Brenda Volling
Professor of Psychology, University of Michigan
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Fathers are parents, too! Widening the lens on parenting for children's development
NJ Cabrera, BL Volling, R Barr
Child Development Perspectives 12 (3), 152-157, 2018
Patterns of marital change and parent-child interaction
J Belsky, L Youngblade, M Rovine, B Volling
Journal of Marriage and the Family, 487-498, 1991
Multiple determinants of father involvement during infancy in dual-earner and single-earner families
BL Volling, J Belsky
Journal of Marriage and the Family, 461-474, 1991
The contribution of mother‐child and father‐child relationships to the quality of sibling interaction: A longitudinal study
BL Volling, J Belsky
Child development 63 (5), 1209-1222, 1992
Mother‐and father‐reported reactions to children’s negative emotions: Relations to young children’s emotional understanding and friendship quality
NL McElwain, AG Halberstadt, BL Volling
Child development 78 (5), 1407-1425, 2007
The association between paternal sensitivity and infant–father attachment security: A meta-analysis of three decades of research.
N Lucassen, A Tharner, MH Van IJzendoorn, MJ Bakermans-Kranenburg, ...
Journal of family psychology 25 (6), 986, 2011
Parents' emotional availability and infant emotional competence: predictors of parent-infant attachment and emerging self-regulation.
BL Volling, NL McElwain, PC Notaro, C Herrera
Journal of Family psychology 16 (4), 447, 2002
Emotion regulation in context: The jealousy complex between young siblings and its relations with child and family characteristics
BL Volling, NL McElwain, AL Miller
Child development 73 (2), 581-600, 2002
Sibling relationships and best friendships in young adulthood: Warmth, conflict, and well‐being
AM Sherman, JE Lansford, BL Volling
Personal Relationships 13 (2), 151-165, 2006
Mothering, fathering, and marital interaction in the family triad during infancy: Exploring family system's processes
J Belsky, BL Volling
Men's transitions to parenthood, 37-63, 1987
Family relationships and children's emotional adjustment as correlates of maternal and paternal differential treatment: A replication with toddler and preschool siblings
BL Volling, JL Elins
Child development 69 (6), 1640-1656, 1998
Family transitions following the birth of a sibling: an empirical review of changes in the firstborn's adjustment.
BL Volling
Psychological bulletin 138 (3), 497, 2012
Preschool children's interactions with friends and older siblings: relationship specificity and joint contributions to problem behavior.
NL McElwain, BL Volling
Journal of family psychology 19 (4), 486, 2005
Baby cries and nurturance affect testosterone in men
SM Van Anders, RM Tolman, BL Volling
Hormones and behavior 61 (1), 31-36, 2012
Infant, father, and marital antecedents of infant father attachment security in dual-earner and single-earner families
BL Volling, J Belsky
International Journal of Behavioral Development 15 (1), 83-100, 1992
Adult attachment styles: Relations with emotional well-being, marriage, and parenting
BL Volling, PC Notaro, JJ Larsen
Family Relations, 355-367, 1998
Children's social competence and sociometric status: Further exploration of aggression, social withdrawal, and peer rejection
BL Volling, C Mackinnon-Lewis, D Rabiner, LP Baradaran
Development and Psychopathology 5 (3), 459-483, 1993
Parenting stress and depressive symptoms in postpartum mothers: bidirectional or unidirectional effects?
E Thomason, BL Volling, HA Flynn, SC McDonough, SM Marcus, ...
Infant Behavior and Development 37 (3), 406-415, 2014
Gender role beliefs, work–family conflict, and father involvement after the birth of a second child.
PX Kuo, BL Volling, R Gonzalez
Psychology of men & masculinity 19 (2), 243, 2018
The relationship between biased maternal and filial attributions and the aggressiveness of their interactions
C Mackinnon-Lewis, ME Lamb, B Arbuckle, LP Baradaran, BL Volling
Development and Psychopathology 4 (3), 403-415, 1992
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مقالات 1–20