Randy Jackson
Randy Jackson
Professor of Grassland Ecology, University of Wisconsin-Madison
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Cellulosic biofuel contributions to a sustainable energy future: Choices and outcomes
GP Robertson, SK Hamilton, BL Barham, BE Dale, RC Izaurralde, ...
Science 356 (6345), eaal2324, 2017
The sensitivity of annual grassland carbon cycling to the quantity and timing of rainfall
WW Chou, WL Silver, RD Jackson, AW Thompson, B ALLEN‐DIAZ
Global Change Biology 14 (6), 1382-1394, 2008
The soil microbial carbon pump: From conceptual insights to empirical assessments
X Zhu, RD Jackson, EH DeLucia, JM Tiedje, C Liang
Global Change Biology 26 (11), 6032-6039, 2020
Take a closer look: biofuels can support environmental, economic and social goals
BE Dale, JE Anderson, RC Brown, S Csonka, VH Dale, G Herwick, ...
Environmental science & technology 48 (13), 7200-7203, 2014
A state-transition approach to understanding nonequilibrium plant community dynamics in Californian grasslands
RD Jackson, JW Bartolome
Plant ecology 162, 49-65, 2002
Plant nitrogen and phosphorus limitation in 98 North American grassland soils
JM Craine, RD Jackson
Plant and Soil 334, 73-84, 2010
Soil carbon lost from Mollisols of the North Central USA with 20 years of agricultural best management practices
GR Sanford, JL Posner, RD Jackson, CJ Kucharik, JL Hedtcke, TL Lin
Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 162, 68-76, 2012
Ecosystem-service tradeoffs associated with switching from annual to perennial energy crops in riparian zones of the US Midwest
TD Meehan, C Gratton, E Diehl, ND Hunt, DF Mooney, SJ Ventura, ...
PloS one 8 (11), e80093, 2013
Soil microbial communities under model biofuel cropping systems in southern Wisconsin, USA: Impact of crop species and soil properties
C Liang, EC Jesus, DS Duncan, RD Jackson, JM Tiedje, TC Balser
Applied Soil Ecology 54, 24-31, 2012
Lake to land subsidies: experimental addition of aquatic insects increases terrestrial arthropod densities
D Hoekman, J Dreyer, RD Jackson, PA Townsend, C Gratton
Ecology 92 (11), 2063-2072, 2011
Persistent soil carbon enhanced in Mollisols by well-managed grasslands but not annual grain or dairy forage cropping systems
Y Rui, RD Jackson, MF Cotrufo, GR Sanford, BJ Spiesman, L Deiss, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 119 (7), e2118931119, 2022
Associative nitrogen fixation (ANF) in switchgrass (Panicum virgatum) across a nitrogen input gradient
SS Roley, DS Duncan, D Liang, A Garoutte, RD Jackson, JM Tiedje, ...
PLoS One 13 (6), e0197320, 2018
Influence of corn, switchgrass, and prairie cropping systems on soil microbial communities in the upper Midwest of the United States
EC Jesus, C Liang, JF Quensen, E Susilawati, RD Jackson, TC Balser, ...
Gcb Bioenergy 8 (2), 481-494, 2016
Biomass and biofuel crop effects on biodiversity and ecosystem services in the North Central US
DA Landis, C Gratton, RD Jackson, KL Gross, DS Duncan, C Liang, ...
Biomass and bioenergy 114, 18-29, 2018
Comparative productivity of alternative cellulosic bioenergy cropping systems in the North Central USA
GR Sanford, LG Oates, P Jasrotia, KD Thelen, GP Robertson, RD Jackson
Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 216, 344-355, 2016
Invited Review: Emission and mitigation of greenhouse gases from dairy farms: The cow, the manure, and the field
MA Wattiaux, ME Uddin, P Letelier, RD Jackson, RA Larson
Applied Animal Science 35 (2), 238-254, 2019
Management‐intensive rotational grazing enhances forage production and quality of subhumid cool‐season pastures
LG Oates, DJ Undersander, C Gratton, MM Bell, RD Jackson
Crop Science 51 (2), 892-901, 2011
Empirical evidence for the potential climate benefits of decarbonizing light vehicle transport in the US with bioenergy from purpose-grown biomass with and without BECCS
I Gelfand, SK Hamilton, AN Kravchenko, RD Jackson, KD Thelen, ...
Environmental Science & Technology 54 (5), 2961-2974, 2020
Response of a native perennial grass stand to disturbance in California's coast range grassland
JW Bartolome, JS Fehmi, RD Jackson, B Allen‐Diaz
Restoration Ecology 12 (2), 279-289, 2004
Nitrous oxide emissions during establishment of eight alternative cellulosic bioenergy cropping systems in the North Central United States
LG Oates, DS Duncan, I Gelfand, N Millar, GP Robertson, RD Jackson
Gcb Bioenergy 8 (3), 539-549, 2016
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