Subhash R Lele
Subhash R Lele
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
The association between extreme precipitation and waterborne disease outbreaks in the United States, 1948–1994
FC Curriero, JA Patz, JB Rose, S Lele
American journal of public health 91 (8), 1194-1199, 2001
Euclidean distance matrix analysis: A coordinate‐free approach for comparing biological shapes using landmark data
S Lele, JT Richtsmeier
American journal of physical anthropology 86 (3), 415-427, 1991
The promise of geometric morphometrics
JT Richtsmeier, V Burke Deleon, SR Lele
American Journal of Physical Anthropology: The Official Publication of the …, 2002
Estimating density dependence, process noise, and observation error
B Dennis, JM Ponciano, SR Lele, ML Taper, DF Staples
Ecological Monographs 76 (3), 323-341, 2006
Declining wild salmon populations in relation to parasites from farm salmon
M Krkosek, JS Ford, A Morton, S Lele, RA Myers, MA Lewis
Science 318 (5857), 1772-1775, 2007
Removing GPS collar bias in habitat selection studies
JL Frair, SE Nielsen, EH Merrill, SR Lele, MS Boyce, RHM Munro, ...
Journal of Applied Ecology 41 (2), 201-212, 2004
An invariant approach to statistical analysis of shapes
S Lele, JT Richtsmeier
CRC Press, 2001
Selection, use, choice and occupancy: clarifying concepts in resource selection studies
SR Lele, EH Merrill, J Keim, MS Boyce
Journal of Animal Ecology 82 (6), 1183-1191, 2013
Data cloning: easy maximum likelihood estimation for complex ecological models using Bayesian Markov chain Monte Carlo methods
SR Lele, B Dennis, F Lutscher
Ecology Letters 10 (7), 551-563, 2007
A composite likelihood approach to binary spatial data
PJ Heagerty, SR Lele
Journal of the American Statistical Association, 1099-1111, 1998
Euclidean distance matrix analysis (EDMA): estimation of mean form and mean form difference
S Lele
Mathematical Geology 25 (5), 573-602, 1993
Weighted distributions and estimation of resource selection probability functions
SR Lele, JL Keim
Ecology 87 (12), 3021-3028, 2006
Estimability and likelihood inference for generalized linear mixed models using data cloning
SR Lele, K Nadeem, B Schmuland
Journal of the American Statistical Association 105 (492), 1617-1625, 2010
Relative selection strength: Quantifying effect size in habitat‐and step‐selection inference
T Avgar, SR Lele, JL Keim, MS Boyce
Ecology and evolution 7 (14), 5322-5330, 2017
The influences of wolf predation, habitat loss, and human activity on caribou and moose in the Alberta oil sands
SK Wasser, JL Keim, ML Taper, SR Lele
Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 9 (10), 546-551, 2011
Climate and waterborne disease outbreaks
JB Rose, S Daeschner, DR Easterling, FC Curriero, S Lele, JA Patz
Journal‐American Water Works Association 92 (9), 77-87, 2000
ResourceSelection: Resource selection (probability) functions for use‐availability data
SR Lele
R package version, 3, 2019
Some comments on coordinate‐free and scale‐invariant methods in morphometrics
S Lele
American Journal of Physical Anthropology 85 (4), 407-417, 1991
Dealing with detection error in site occupancy surveys: what can we do with a single survey?
SR Lele, M Moreno, E Bayne
Journal of Plant Ecology 5 (1), 22-31, 2012
Maximum likelihood estimation in semiparametric selection bias models with application to AIDS vaccine trials
PB Gilbert, SR Lele, Y Vardi
Biometrika 86 (1), 27-43, 1999
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مقالات 1–20