Andreas Scheba
Andreas Scheba
Human Sciences Research Council and University of the Free State, South Africa
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Promising change, delivering continuity: REDD+ as conservation fad
JF Lund, E Sungusia, MB Mabele, A Scheba
World Development 89, 124-139, 2017
Rethinking ‘expert’knowledge in community forest management in Tanzania
A Scheba, I Mustalahti
Forest Policy and Economics 60, 7-18, 2015
Informal rental housing in the South: dynamic but neglected
A Scheba, I Turok
Environment and Urbanization 32 (1), 109-132, 2020
Social inequality and spatial segregation in Cape Town
I Turok, J Visagie, A Scheba
Urban socio-economic segregation and income inequality: A global perspective …, 2021
‘Right to the city’and the New Urban Agenda: learning from the right to housing
I Turok, A Scheba
Territory, Politics, Governance 7 (4), 494-510, 2019
Territorialising REDD+: Conflicts over market-based forest conservation in Lindi, Tanzania
A Scheba, OS Rakotonarivo
Land use policy 57, 625-637, 2016
Strengthening township economies in South Africa: The case for better regulation and policy innovation
A Scheba, IN Turok
Urban Forum 31 (1), 77-94, 2020
Inequality and urban density: socio-economic drivers of uneven densification in Cape Town
A Scheba, I Turok, J Visagie
Environment and Urbanization ASIA 12 (1_suppl), S107-S126, 2021
REDD+ as ‘inclusive’neoliberal conservation: The case of Lindi, Tanzania
A Scheba, S Scheba
Journal of Eastern African Studies 11 (3), 526-548, 2017
Reducing spatial inequalities through better regulation
I Turok, A Scheba, J Visagie
Report to the High-Level Panel on the Assessment of Key Legislation and the …, 2017
Market-based conservation for better livelihoods? The promises and fallacies of REDD+ in Tanzania
A Scheba
Land 7 (4), 119, 2018
Conservation agriculture and sustainable development in A frica: i nsights from T anzania
A Scheba
Natural Resources Forum 41 (4), 209-219, 2017
The role of social housing in reducing inequality in South African cities
A Scheba, I Turok, J Visagie, I Salenson
AFD Research Papers, 1-79, 2021
The role of institutions in social housing provision: salutary lessons from the South
A Scheba, I Turok
Housing Studies 38 (6), 1132-1153, 2023
Commodifying forest carbon: How local power, politics and livelihood practices shape REDD+ in Lindi Region, Tanzania
A Scheba
PQDT-UK & Ireland, 2014
Renewable energy and local development: Seven lessons from the mining industry
L Marais, H Wlokas, J de Groot, N Dube, A Scheba
Development Southern Africa 35 (1), 24-38, 2018
Bamboo for green development
A Scheba, R Blanchard, S Mayeki
The opportunities and challenges of commercialising bamboo in South Africa …, 2017
Developing neighbourhood typologies and understanding urban inequality: a data-driven approach
H Lynge, J Visagie, A Scheba, I Turok, D Everatt, C Abrahams
Regional studies, regional science 9 (1), 618-640, 2022
Can social housing help to integrate divided cities?
I Turok, A Scheba, J Visagie
Cambridge Journal of Regions, Economy and Society 15 (1), 93-116, 2022
South Africa: National urban policies and city profiles for Johannesburg and Cape Town
C Abrahams, D Everatt, A Van Den Heever, D Mushongera, C Nwosu, ...
The University of the Witwatersrand and Human Sciences Research Council …, 2018
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مقالات 1–20