Priyadarsanan Dharma Rajan
Priyadarsanan Dharma Rajan
Senior Fellow and Program Leader (Ecosystems and Global Change), Ashoka Trust for Research in
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
When the cure kills—CBD limits biodiversity research
KD Prathapan, R Pethiyagoda, KS Bawa, PH Raven, PD Rajan, ...
Science 360 (6396), 1405-1406, 2018
Beyond fortress conservation: the long-term integration of natural and social science research for an inclusive conservation practice in India
ND Rai, MS Devy, T Ganesh, R Ganesan, SR Setty, AJ Hiremath, ...
Biological Conservation 254, 108888, 2021
Science in the wilderness: the predicament of scientific research in India's wildlife reserves
MD Madhusudan, K Shanker, A Kumar, C Mishra, A Sinha, R Arthur, ...
Current Science, 1015-1019, 2006
Biological Diversity Act, 2002: Shadow of permit-raj over research
KD Prathapan, P Dharma Rajan, TC Narendran, CA Viraktamath, ...
Current Science 91 (8), 1006-1007, 2006
Death sentence on taxonomy in India.
KD Prathapan, PD Rajan, TC Narendran, CA Viraktamath, NA Aravind, ...
Current Science (00113891) 94 (2), 2008
Biodiversity access and benefit-sharing: weaving a rope of sand
KD Prathapan, PD Rajan
Current Science 100 (3), 290-293, 2011
Spatial and climatic variables independently drive elevational gradients in ant species richness in the Eastern Himalaya
A Marathe, DR Priyadarsanan, J Krishnaswamy, K Shanker
PLoS One 15 (1), e0227628, 2020
Fig insects of Kerala
DR Priyadarsanan
Zool. Surv. India, Occ. Paper No,182 : i -iv, Calcutta, India, 2000
Feeding Fauna and Foraging Habits of Tiger Beetles Found in Agro‐ecosystems in Western Ghats, India1
PA Sinu, M Nasser, PD Rajan
Biotropica 38 (4), 500-507, 2006
Biological Diversity Act, 2002: threat to agricultural production and food security!
KD Prathapan, PD Rajan
Current Science 97 (5), 626-629, 2009
Cuticle degrading enzyme production by some isolates of the entomopathogenic fungus, Metarhizium anisopliae (Metsch.)
NS Bai, OK Remadevi, TO Sasidharan, M Balachander, P Dharmarajan
Journal of Bio-Science 20, 25-32, 2012
Some pathological effects and transmission potential of a microsporidian isolate (Nosema sp.) from the teak defoliator Hyblaea puera (Lepidoptera: Hyblaeidae)
OK Remadevi, TO Sasidharan, J Bhattacharya, CR Vossbrinck, PD Rajan
International Journal of Tropical Insect Science 30 (3), 138-144, 2010
Vombisidris humboldticola (Hymenoptera: Formicidae): a new arboreal ant species from an Indian ant plant
M Zacharias, P Dharma Rajan
Current Science 87 (10), 1337-1338, 2004
Dung removal increases under higher dung beetle functional diversity regardless of grazing intensification
JA Noriega, J Hortal, I deCastro-Arrazola, F Alves-Martins, JCG Ortega, ...
Nature communications 14 (1), 8070, 2023
Protectionism and natural history research in India
KD Prathapan, PD Rajan, J Poorani
Current Science 97 (10), 1411-1413, 2009
Advancing taxonomy in the global south and completing the grand Linnaean enterprise
KD Prathapan, PD RAJAN
Megataxa 1 (1), 73–77-73–77, 2020
Report of dung beetles (Scarabaeidae: Scarabaeinae) attracted to unconventional resources, with the description of three new species
KS Narayanan, PD Rajan
Entomon 41 (4), 265-282, 2016
Advancing the science of taxonomy in India
A Bhaskaran, P Dharma Rajan
Current Science 99 (2), 157-158, 2010
Virulence of Metarhizium isolates against the polyphagous defoliator pest, Spilarctia obliqua (Lepidoptera: Arctiidae)
NS Bai, TO Sasidharan, OK Remadevi, PD Rajan, M Balachander
Journal of tropical forest science, 74-80, 2010
Host searching behavior and potential of an aquatic ichneumonid pupal parasitoid of rice caseworm (Parapoynx stagnalis) in an upland rice paddy agro-ecosystem …
P Allesh Sinu, M Nasser, P Dharmarajan
Biocontrol Science and Technology 17 (10), 1037-1045, 2007
يتعذر على النظام إجراء العملية في الوقت الحالي. عاود المحاولة لاحقًا.
مقالات 1–20