Joris Van der Jeugt
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Convolutions for orthogonal polynomials from Lie and quantum algebra representations
HT Koelink, J Van der Jeugt
SIAM journal on mathematical analysis 29 (3), 794-822, 1998
Character formulas for irreducible modules of the Lie superalgebras sl(m/n)
J Van der Jeugt, JWB Hughes, RC King, J Thierry‐Mieg
Journal of mathematical physics 31 (9), 2278-2304, 1990
A character formula for singly atypical modules of the Lie superalgebra sl (m/n)
J Van der Jeugt, JWB Hughes, RC King, J Thierry-Mieg
Communications in Algebra 18 (10), 3453-3480, 1990
Irreducible representations of the exceptional Lie superalgebras D(2,1;α)
J Van der Jeugt
Journal of mathematical physics 26 (5), 913-924, 1985
The Paraboson Fock Space and Unitary Irreducible Representations of the Lie Superalgebra
S Lievens, NI Stoilov, JV der Jeugt
Communications in Mathematical Physics 281 (3), 805-826, 2008
Character formulae for the Lie superalgebra C (n)
J Van der Jeugt
Communications in Algebra 19 (1), 199-222, 1991
Group theoretical aspects of the extended interacting boson model
VKB Kota, J Van der Jeugt, H De Meyer, G Vanden Berghe
Journal of mathematical physics 28 (7), 1644-1652, 1987
The $\newcommand {\Z}{{{\mathbb Z}}}\Z_2\times\Z_2 $-graded Lie superalgebra $\newcommand {\pso}{\mathfrak {pso}}\pso (2m+ 1\vert 2n) $ and new parastatistics representations
NI Stoilova, J Van der Jeugt
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 51 (13), 135201, 2018
A determinantal formula for supersymmetric Schur polynomials
EM Moens, J Van der Jeugt
Journal of Algebraic Combinatorics 17, 283-307, 2003
Finite-dimensional representations of the quantum superalgebraU q[gl(n/m)] and relatedq-identities
TD Palev, NI Stoilova, J Van der Jeugt
Communications in Mathematical Physics 166, 367-378, 1994
Finite oscillator models: the Hahn oscillator
EI Jafarov, NI Stoilova, J Van der Jeugt
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 44 (26), 265203, 2011
Coupling coefficients for Lie algebra representations and addition formulas for special functions
J Van der Jeugt
Journal of Mathematical Physics 38 (5), 2728-2740, 1997
Finite‐and infinite‐dimensional representations of the orthosymplectic superalgebra OSP (3, 2)
J Van der Jeugt
Journal of mathematical physics 25 (11), 3334-3349, 1984
On the composition factors of Kac modules for the Lie superalgebras sl(m/n)
JWB Hughes, RC King, J Van der Jeugt
Journal of mathematical physics 33 (2), 470-491, 1992
The parafermion Fock space and explicit representations
NI Stoilova, J Van der Jeugt
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 41 (7), 075202, 2008
Characters and Composition Factor Multiplicities for the Lie Superalgebra (m/n)
J Van der Jeugt, RB Zhang
Letters in Mathematical Physics 47 (1), 49-61, 1999
Motzkin paths, Motzkin polynomials and recurrence relations
R Oste, J Van der Jeugt
the electronic journal of combinatorics 22 (2), P2. 8, 2015
The su(2)-alpha Hahn oscillator and a discrete Fourier–Hahn transform
EI Jafarov, NI Stoilova, J Van der Jeugt
Journal of Physics A-Mathematical and Theoretical 44 (35), 355205, 2011
Quantum communication through a spin chain with interaction determined by a Jacobi matrix
R Chakrabarti, J Van der Jeugt
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 43 (8), 085302, 2010
Finite-dimensional representations of the quantum group GLp, q (2) using the exponential map from Up, q (gl (2))
R Jagannathan, J Van der Jeugt
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General 28 (10), 2819, 1995
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مقالات 1–20