Neil Dubrovsky
Neil Dubrovsky
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Nitrate in groundwater of the United States, 1991− 2003
KR Burow, BT Nolan, MG Rupert, NM Dubrovsky
Environmental science & technology 44 (13), 4988-4997, 2010
The quality of our nation's waters: Nutrients in the nation's streams and groundwater, 1992-2004
NM Dubrovsky, KR Burow, GM Clark, JAM Gronberg, PA Hamilton, KJ Hitt, ...
Circular, 2010
Deducing the distribution of terminal electron‐accepting processes in hydrologically diverse groundwater systems
FH Chapelle, PB McMahon, NM Dubrovsky, RF Fujii, ET Oaksford, ...
Water Resources Research 31 (2), 359-371, 1995
Nitrogen Contamination of Surficial Aquifers A Growing Legacy
LJ Puckett, AJ Tesoriero, NM Dubrovsky
Environmental Science & Technology 45 (3), 839-844, 2011
Water Quality in the San Joaquin-Tulare Basins, California, 1992-95
NM Dubrovsky
Geological Survey Water Resources Division, 1998
Efficacy of algal metrics for assessing nutrient and organic enrichment in flowing waters
SD Porter, DK Mueller, NE Spahr, MD Munn, NM Dubrovsky
Freshwater Biology 53 (5), 1036-1054, 2008
Pesticide residues in ground water of the San Joaquin Valley, California
JL Domagalski, NM Dubrovsky
Journal of hydrology 130 (1-4), 299-338, 1992
Geochemical evolution of inactive pyritic tailings in the Elliot Lake uranium district
NM Dubrovsky, JA Cherry, EJ Reardon, AJ Vivyurka
Canadian Geotechnical Journal 22 (1), 110-128, 1985
Pesticides in the San Joaquin River, California: Inputs from dormant sprayed orchards
JL Domagalski, NM Dubrovsky, CR Kratzer
Journal of Environmental Quality 26 (2), 454-465, 1997
Regional nitrate and pesticide trends in ground water in the eastern San Joaquin Valley, California
KR Burow, JL Shelton, NM Dubrovsky
Journal of Environmental Quality 37 (S5), S-249-S-263, 2008
Framework for a ground-water quality monitoring and assessment program for California
K Belitz
US Department of the Interior, US Geological Survey 3 (4166), 2003
Lithium in groundwater used for drinking-water supply in the United States
BD Lindsey, K Belitz, CA Cravotta III, PL Toccalino, NM Dubrovsky
Science of the Total Environment 767, 144691, 2021
Environmental setting of the San Joaquin-Tulare basins, California
JAM Gronberg
US Department of the Interior, US Geological Survey 97 (4205), 1998
Temporal trends in concentrations of DBCP and nitrate in groundwater in the eastern San Joaquin Valley, California, USA
KR Burow, NM Dubrovsky, JL Shelton
Hydrogeology journal 15, 991-1007, 2007
Assessment of regional change in nitrate concentrations in groundwater in the Central Valley, California, USA, 1950s–2000s
KR Burow, BC Jurgens, K Belitz, NM Dubrovsky
Environmental earth sciences 69 (8), 2609-2621, 2013
Cyanotoxin occurrence in large rivers of the United States
JL Graham, NM Dubrovsky, GM Foster, LR King, KA Loftin, BH Rosen, ...
Inland Waters 10 (1), 109-117, 2020
Nutrients in the Nation's streams and groundwater: National Findings and Implications
NM Dubrovsky, PA Hamilton
Fact Sheet, 2010
Nitrate and pesticides in ground water of the eastern San Joaquin Valley, California: Occurrence and trends
KR Burow, SV Stork, NM Dubrovsky
US Department of the Interior, US Geological Survey 98 (4040), 1998
Chemical oxidation-reduction controls on selenium mobility in groundwater systems
AF White, NM Dubrovsky
Selenium in the Environment, 185-221, 1994
Uranium tailings acidification and subsurface contaminant migration in a sand aquifer
NM Dubrovsky, KA Morin, JA Cherry, DJA Smyth
Water Quality Research Journal 19 (2), 55-89, 1984
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