Rebecca K. Ratner
Rebecca K. Ratner
Professor of Marketing, University of Maryland
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
The impact of private versus public consumption on variety-seeking behavior
RK Ratner, BE Kahn
Journal of Consumer research 29 (2), 246-257, 2002
Choosing less-preferred experiences for the sake of variety
RK Ratner, BE Kahn, D Kahneman
Journal of consumer research 26 (1), 1-15, 1999
The disparity between the actual and assumed power of self-interest.
DT Miller, RK Ratner
Journal of personality and social psychology 74 (1), 53, 1998
Consumer control and empowerment: a primer
L Wathieu, L Brenner, Z Carmon, A Chattopadhyay, K Wertenbroch, ...
Marketing Letters 13, 297-305, 2002
The norm of self-interest and its effects on social action.
RK Ratner, DT Miller
Journal of personality and social psychology 81 (1), 5, 2001
Memories as assets: Strategic memory protection in choice over time
G Zauberman, RK Ratner, BK Kim
Journal of consumer research 35 (5), 715-728, 2009
How subjective grouping of options influences choice and allocation: diversification bias and the phenomenon of partition dependence.
CR Fox, RK Ratner, DS Lieb
Journal of Experimental Psychology: General 134 (4), 538, 2005
The time course and impact of consumers' erroneous beliefs about hedonic contrast effects
N Novemsky, RK Ratner
Journal of Consumer Research 29 (4), 507-516, 2003
The power of the myth of self-interest
DT Miller, RK Ratner
Current societal concerns about justice, 25-48, 1996
Scarcity polarizes preferences: The impact on choice among multiple items in a product class
M Zhu, RK Ratner
Journal of Marketing Research 52 (1), 13-26, 2015
Inhibited from bowling alone
RK Ratner, RW Hamilton
Journal of Consumer Research 42 (2), 266-283, 2015
When good decisions have bad outcomes: The impact of affect on switching behavior
RK Ratner, KC Herbst
Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes 96 (1), 23-37, 2005
Patterns of hedonic consumption over time
B Kahnx, R Ratner, D Kahneman
Marketing Letters 8, 85-96, 1997
Inherently loyal or easily bored?: Nonconscious activation of consistency versus variety-seeking behavior
A Fishbach, RK Ratner, Y Zhang
Journal of Consumer Psychology 21 (1), 38-48, 2011
Who's going to make the first move? Pluralistic ignorance as an impediment to relationship formation
JD Vorauer, RK Ratner
Journal of Social and Personal Relationships 13 (4), 483-506, 1996
The dynamic impact of variety among means on motivation
J Etkin, RK Ratner
Journal of Consumer Research 38 (6), 1076-1092, 2012
How behavioral decision research can enhance consumer welfare: From freedom of choice to paternalistic intervention
RK Ratner, D Soman, G Zauberman, D Ariely, Z Carmon, PA Keller, ...
Marketing Letters 19, 383-397, 2008
Why don't we learn to accurately forecast feelings? How misremembering our predictions blinds us to past forecasting errors.
T Meyvis, RK Ratner, J Levav
Journal of Experimental Psychology: General 139 (4), 579, 2010
Variety for the sake of variety?: Diversification motives in consumer choice
BE Kahn, RK Ratner
Inside consumption, 102-121, 2005
Goal pursuit, now and later: Temporal compatibility of different versus similar means
J Etkin, RK Ratner
Journal of Consumer Research 39 (5), 1085-1099, 2013
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مقالات 1–20