Gauchon Romain
Gauchon Romain
Laboratoire SAF, université de Lyon; relyens
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Adapting French COVID-19 vaccination campaign duration to variant dissemination
S Pageaud, N Ponthus, R Gauchon, C Pothier, C Rigotti, A Eyraud-Loisel, ...
medRxiv, 2021.03. 17.21253739, 2021
Optimal prevention strategies in the classical risk model
R Gauchon, S Loisel, JL Rullière, J Trufin
Insurance: Mathematics and Economics 91, 202-208, 2020
Expected evolution of COVID-19 epidemic in france for several combinations of vaccination strategies and barrier measures
S Pageaud, C Pothier, C Rigotti, A Eyraud-Loisel, JP Bertoglio, ...
Vaccines 9 (12), 1462, 2021
Optimal prevention of large risks with two types of claims
R Gauchon, S Loisel, JL Rulliere, J Trufin
Scandinavian Actuarial Journal 2021 (4), 323-334, 2021
Lessons learnt from the use of compartmental models over the COVID-19 induced lockdown in France
R Gauchon, N Ponthus, C Pothier, C Rigotti, V Volpert, S Derrode, ...
medRxiv, 2021.01. 11.21249565, 2021
Health policyholder clustering using medical consumption: A useful tool for targeting prevention plans
R Gauchon, S Loisel, JL Rullière
European Actuarial Journal 10 (2), 599-626, 2020
Expected Utility Optimization with Convolutional Stochastically Ordered Returns
R Gauchon, K Barigou
Risks 12 (6), 95, 2024
Piecewise estimation of R0 by a simple SEIR model. Application to COVID-19 in French regions and departments until June 30, 2020
S Derrode, R Gauchon, N Ponthus, C Rigotti, C Pothier, V Volpert, ...
LIRIS UMR CNRS 5205; Ecole centrale de lyon; INSA LYON; Université Lyon 1 …, 2020
Predicted Impacts of Booster, Immunity Decline, Vaccination Strategies, and Non-Pharmaceutical Interventions on COVID-19 Outcomes in France
S Pageaud, A Eyraud-Loisel, JP Bertoglio, A Bienvenüe, N Leboisne, ...
Vaccines 10 (12), 2033, 2022
La psychiatrie: un risque important en assurance santé?
R Gauchon, JP Hermet
Agent-based models to simulate the COVID-19 epidemic: Understanding the contributions of the determinants of disease spread
S Pageaud, A Eyraud-Loisel, JP Bertoglio, A Bienvenüe, N Leboisne, ...
44th Conference of the International Society for Clinical Biostatistics (ISCB44), 2023
Expected Utility Optimization with Stochastically Ordered Returns
R Gauchon, K Barigou
Available at SSRN 4329890, 2023
Contribution à l'étude de la prévention en assurance santé
R Gauchon
Université de Lyon, 2020
Individuals tell a fascinating story: using unsupervised text mining methods to cluster policyholders based on their medical history
R Gauchon, JP Hermet
Personnalisation par clustering
R Gauchon, S Loisel, JL Rullière
Première journée médecine personalisée, 2018
How can an insurer use nudge to increase the participation to a prevention program
R Gauchon, JY Lesueur, JL Rullière
Conférence Assurance, Actuariat, Données et Modèles, Chaires d’excellence …, 2018
Policyholders clusturing by using health consumption for targeting prevention programs
R Gauchon, S Loisel, JL Rullière
La Data Science et son apport pour mieux détecter les besoins de prévention des assurés en santé
R Gauchon, N Rachdi, A Barral
Journée 100% Data science-Institut des actuaires, 2017
يتعذر على النظام إجراء العملية في الوقت الحالي. عاود المحاولة لاحقًا.
مقالات 1–18