Tom A. Langen
Tom A. Langen
Depts. Biology, Psychology, Clarkson University
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Relative vulnerability of female turtles to road mortality
DA Steen, MJ Aresco, SG Beilke, BW Compton, EP Condon, ...
Animal Conservation 9 (3), 269-273, 2006
How do animals choose their mates?
RM Gibson, TA Langen
Trends in ecology & evolution 11 (11), 468-470, 1996
Evolution of correlated characters
T Price, T Langen
Trends in Ecology & Evolution 7 (9), 307-310, 1992
Predicting hot spots of herpetofauna road mortality along highway networks
TA Langen, KM Ogden, LL Schwarting
The Journal of Wildlife Management 73 (1), 104-114, 2009
Methodologies for surveying herpetofauna mortality on rural highways
TA Langen, A Machniak, EK Crowe, C Mangan, DF Marker, N Liddle, ...
The Journal of wildlife management 71 (4), 1361-1368, 2007
The red and the black: habituation and the dear-enemy phenomenon in two desert Pheidole ants
TA Langen, F Tripet, P Nonacs
Behavioral ecology and sociobiology 48, 285-292, 2000
Terrestrial habitat requirements of nesting freshwater turtles
DA Steen, JP Gibbs, KA Buhlmann, JL Carr, BW Compton, JD Congdon, ...
Biological Conservation 150 (1), 121-128, 2012
Prolonged offspring dependence and cooperative breeding in birds
TA Langen
Behavioral Ecology 11 (4), 367-377, 2000
Citizen science reveals widespread negative effects of roads on amphibian distributions
BJ Cosentino, DM Marsh, KS Jones, JJ Apodaca, C Bates, J Beach, ...
Biological Conservation 180, 31-38, 2014
Western scrub-jay: Aphelocoma californica
R Curry
The birds of North America 712, 2002
Road mortality in freshwater turtles: identifying causes of spatial patterns to optimize road planning and mitigation
TA Langen, KE Gunson, CA Scheiner, JT Boulerice
Biodiversity and conservation 21 (12), 3017-3034, 2012
Skill acquisition and the timing of natal dispersal in the white-throated magpie-jay, Calocitta formosa
TA Langen
Animal Behaviour 51 (3), 575-588, 1996
Social Learning of a Novel Foraging Skill by White‐throated Magpie‐jays (Calocitta formosa, Corvidae): a Field Experiment
TA Langen
Ethology 102 (1), 157-166, 1996
Ecological factors affecting group and territory size in white-throated magpie-jays
TA Langen, SL Vehrencamp
The Auk 115 (2), 327-339, 1998
How white-throated magpie-jay helpers contribute during breeding
TA Langen, SL Vehrencamp
The Auk 116 (1), 131-140, 1999
Reptiles: overlooked but often at risk from roads
KM Andrews, TA Langen, RPJH Struijk
Handbook of road ecology, 271-280, 2015
The mating system of the White‐throated Magpie‐jay Calocitta formosa and Greenwood's hypothesis for sex‐biased dispersal
TA Langen
Ibis 138 (3), 506-513, 1996
Predation on artificial bird nests in chaparral fragments
TA Langen, DT Bolger, TJ Case
Oecologia 86, 395-401, 1991
Effects of roads and land use on frog distributions across spatial scales and regions in the E astern and C entral U nited S tates
DM Marsh, BJ Cosentino, KS Jones, JJ Apodaca, KH Beard, JM Bell, ...
Diversity and Distributions 23 (2), 158-170, 2017
Are college students’ assessments of threat shaped by the dangers of their childhood environment?
AK Sherman, SH Minich, TA Langen, J Skufca, A Wilke
Journal of Interpersonal Violence 31 (11), 2006-2025, 2016
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مقالات 1–20