Paul J. Rosen
Paul J. Rosen
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Evidence for higher reaction time variability for children with ADHD on a range of cognitive tasks including reward and event rate manipulations.
JN Epstein, JM Langberg, PJ Rosen, A Graham, ME Narad, TN Antonini, ...
Neuropsychology 25 (4), 427, 2011
Victims of their own cognitions: Implicit social cognitions, emotional distress, and peer victimization
PJ Rosen, R Milich, MJ Harris
Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology 28 (3), 211-226, 2007
The relation of poor emotional awareness and externalizing behavior among children with ADHD
PI Factor, PJ Rosen, RA Reyes
Journal of attention disorders 20 (2), 168-177, 2016
Emotional impulsivity and emotional and behavioral difficulties among children with ADHD: An ecological momentary assessment study
PJ Rosen, PI Factor
Journal of attention disorders 19 (9), 779-793, 2015
Problem severity and motivation for treatment in incarcerated substance abusers
ML Hiller, E Narevic, JM Webster, P Rosen, M Staton, C Leukefeld, ...
Substance Use & Misuse 44 (1), 28-41, 2009
Treatment motivation and therapeutic engagement in prison-based substance use treatment
PJ Rosen, ML Hiller, JM Webster, M Staton, C Leukefeld
Journal of psychoactive drugs 36 (3), 387-396, 2004
The association of emotional lability and emotional and behavioral difficulties among children with and without ADHD
PJ Rosen, DM Walerius, ND Fogleman, PI Factor
ADHD Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorders 7, 281-294, 2015
Emotional impulsivity in children with ADHD associated with comorbid—not ADHD—symptomatology
PI Factor, RA Reyes, PJ Rosen
Journal of psychopathology and behavioral assessment 36, 530-541, 2014
Dysregulated negative emotional reactivity as a predictor of chronic peer victimization in childhood
PJ Rosen, R Milich, MJ Harris
Aggressive behavior 38 (5), 414-427, 2012
Why’s everybody always picking on me? Social cognition, emotion regulation, and chronic peer victimization in children
PJ Rosen, R Milich, MJ Harris
Bullying rejection & peer victimization, 79-100, 2009
The role of ADHD and negative emotional lability in predicting changes in parenting daily hassles
DM Walerius, ND Fogleman, PJ Rosen
Journal of Child and Family Studies 25, 2279-2291, 2016
Emotion regulation accounts for the relation between ADHD and peer victimization
ND Fogleman, KE Slaughter, PJ Rosen, KD Leaberry, DM Walerius
Journal of Child and Family Studies 28, 2429-2442, 2019
Social self‐control, externalizing behavior, and peer liking among children with ADHD‐CT: a mediation model
PJ Rosen, AJ Vaughn, JN Epstein, B Hoza, LE Arnold, L Hechtman, ...
Social Development 23 (2), 288-305, 2014
Functional impairment variability in children with ADHD due to emotional impulsivity
DM Walerius, RA Reyes, PJ Rosen, PI Factor
Journal of attention disorders 22 (8), 724-737, 2018
I know it when I quantify it: Ecological momentary assessment and recurrence quantification analysis of emotion dysregulation in children with ADHD
PJ Rosen, JN Epstein, G Van Orden
ADHD Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorders 5, 283-294, 2013
Managing Frustration for Children (MFC) group intervention for ADHD: An open trial of a novel group intervention for deficient emotion regulation
PJ Rosen, KD Leaberry, K Slaughter, ND Fogleman, DM Walerius, ...
Cognitive and Behavioral Practice 26 (3), 522-534, 2019
Reactive and proactive aggression in children with and without ADHD and negative emotional lability
KE Slaughter, KD Leaberry, ND Fogleman, PJ Rosen
Social Development 29 (1), 320-338, 2020
Testing psychodynamic psychotherapy skills among psychiatric residents: the psychodynamic psychotherapy competency test
LS Mullen, RO Rieder, RA Glick, B Luber, PJ Rosen
American Journal of Psychiatry 161 (9), 1658-1664, 2004
Gender, mental health, and treatment motivation in a drug court setting
JM Webster, PJ Rosen, J Krietemeyer, A Mateyoke-Scrivner, ...
Journal of psychoactive drugs 38 (4), 441-448, 2006
Relation between internalizing behaviors, externalizing behaviors, and peer victimization among children with and without ADHD
ND Fogleman, KD Leaberry, PJ Rosen, DM Walerius, KE Slaughter
ADHD Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorders 10, 209-222, 2018
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مقالات 1–20