L. Darrell Whitley
L. Darrell Whitley
Professor of Computer Science, Colorado State University
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
A genetic algorithm tutorial
D Whitley
Statistics and computing 4, 65-85, 1994
The GENITOR algorithm and selection pressure: Why rank-based allocation of reproductive trials is best
D Whitley
Proceedings of the third international conference on Genetic algorithms, 1989
Genetic algorithms and neural networks: Optimizing connections and connectivity
D Whitley, T Starkweather, C Bogart
Parallel computing 14 (3), 347-361, 1990
Scheduling problems and traveling salesmen: The genetic edge recombination operator
LD Whitley, T Starkweather, DA Fuquay
Proceedings of the 3rd international conference on genetic algorithms, 133-140, 1989
Neural networks for river flow prediction
N Karunanithi, WJ Grenney, D Whitley, K Bovee
Journal of computing in civil engineering 8 (2), 201-220, 1994
Combinations of genetic algorithms and neural networks: A survey of the state of the art
JD Schaffer, D Whitley, LJ Eshelman
[Proceedings] COGANN-92: International Workshop on Combinations of Genetic …, 1992
An overview of evolutionary algorithms: practical issues and common pitfalls
D Whitley
Information and software technology 43 (14), 817-831, 2001
GENITOR: A different genetic algorithm
D Whitley, J Kauth
Rocky Mountain Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 1988
A Comparison of Genetic Sequencing Operators.
T Starkweather, S McDaniel, KE Mathias, LD Whitley, C Whitley
ICGA, 69-76, 1991
Serial and parallel genetic algorithms as function optimizers
VS Gordon, D Whitley
ICGA, 177-183, 1993
Evaluating evolutionary algorithms
D Whitley, S Rana, J Dzubera, KE Mathias
Artificial intelligence 85 (1-2), 245-276, 1996
The island model genetic algorithm: On separability, population size and convergence
D Whitley, S Rana, RB Heckendorn
Journal of computing and information technology 7 (1), 33-47, 1999
Lamarckian evolution, the Baldwin effect and function optimization
D Whitley, VS Gordon, K Mathias
Parallel Problem Solving from Nature—PPSN III: International Conference on …, 1994
Fundamental principles of deception
D Whitley
Foundations of Genetic Algorithms 1991 (FOGA 1) 1, 221, 1991
Genitor II: A distributed genetic algorithm
D Whitley, T Starkweather
Journal of Experimental & Theoretical Artificial Intelligence 2 (3), 189-214, 1990
A comparison between cellular encoding and direct encoding for genetic neural networks
F Gruau, D Whitley, L Pyeatt
Proceedings of the 1st annual conference on genetic programming, 81-89, 1996
Using neural networks in reliability prediction
N Karunanithi, D Whitley, YK Malaiya
IEEE software 9 (4), 53-59, 1992
The traveling salesman and sequence scheduling: Quality solutions using genetic edge recombination
D Whitley, T Starkweather, D Shaner
Handbook of Genetic Algorithms., 1991
Optimizing neural networks using faster, more accurate genetic search
D Whitley, T Hansen
Proc. of ICGA-89, 1989
Adding learning to the cellular development of neural networks: Evolution and the Baldwin effect
F Gruau, D Whitley
Evolutionary computation 1 (3), 213-233, 1993
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مقالات 1–20