Tomomichi Ogata
Tomomichi Ogata
JAMSTEC, Research Scientist
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Regional patterns of tropical Indo-Pacific climate change: Evidence of the Walker circulation weakening
H Tokinaga, SP Xie, A Timmermann, S McGregor, T Ogata, H Kubota, ...
Journal of Climate 25 (5), 1689-1710, 2012
Interdecadal amplitude modulation of El Niño–Southern Oscillation and its impact on tropical Pacific decadal variability
T Ogata, SP Xie, A Wittenberg, DZ Sun
Journal of Climate 26 (18), 7280-7297, 2013
Projected future changes in the Asian monsoon: a comparison of CMIP3 and CMIP5 model results
T Ogata, H Ueda, T Inoue, M Hayasaki, A Yoshida, S Watanabe, M Kira, ...
Journal of the Meteorological Society of Japan. Ser. II 92 (3), 207-225, 2014
Importance of ocean dynamics for the skewness of the Indian Ocean dipole mode
T Ogata, SP Xie, J Lan, X Zheng
Journal of Climate 26 (7), 2145-2159, 2013
Intraseasonal meridional current variability in the eastern equatorial Indian Ocean
T Ogata, H Sasaki, VSN Murty, MSS Sarma, Y Masumoto
Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans 113 (C7), 2008
Interactions between mesoscale eddy variability and Indian Ocean dipole events in the Southeastern tropical Indian Ocean—case studies for 1994 and 1997/1998
T Ogata, Y Masumoto
Ocean Dynamics 60, 717-730, 2010
Effect of air‐sea coupling on the frequency distribution of intense tropical cyclones over the northwestern Pacific
T Ogata, R Mizuta, Y Adachi, H Murakami, T Ose
Geophysical Research Letters 42 (23), 10,415-10,421, 2015
Atmosphere-ocean coupling effect on intense tropical cyclone distribution and its future change with 60 km-AOGCM
T Ogata, R Mizuta, Y Adachi, H Murakami, T Ose
Scientific reports 6 (1), 29800, 2016
Physical responses of convective heavy rainfall to future warming condition: Case study of the Hiroshima event
K Hibino, I Takayabu, Y Wakazuki, T Ogata
Frontiers in Earth Science 6, 35, 2018
Interannual modulation and its dynamics of the mesoscale eddy variability in the southeastern tropical Indian Ocean
T Ogata, Y Masumoto
Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans 116 (C5), 2011
Semiannual cycle in zonal wind over the equatorial Indian Ocean
T Ogata, SP Xie
Journal of climate 24 (24), 6471-6485, 2011
Mid-latitude source of the ENSO-spread in SINTEX-F ensemble predictions
T Ogata, T Doi, Y Morioka, S Behera
Climate Dynamics 52, 2613-2630, 2019
Decadal-scale variability of the North Pacific subtropical mode water and its influence on the pycnocline observed along 137° E
F Kobashi, T Nakano, N Iwasaka, T Ogata
Journal of oceanography 77 (3), 487-503, 2021
The resolution sensitivity of the Asian summer monsoon and its inter-model comparison between MRI-AGCM and MetUM
T Ogata, SJ Johnson, R Schiemann, ME Demory, R Mizuta, K Yoshida, ...
Climate Dynamics 49, 3345-3361, 2017
Energy flow diagnosis of ENSO from an ocean reanalysis
T Toyoda, H Nakano, H Aiki, T Ogata, Y Fukutomi, Y Kanno, LS Urakawa, ...
Journal of Climate 34 (10), 4023-4042, 2021
The pathway of intraseasonal wave energy in the tropical Indian Ocean as identified by a seamless diagnostic scheme
T Ogata, H Aiki
SOLA 15, 262-267, 2019
Mean subsurface upwelling induced by intraseasonal variability over the equatorial Indian Ocean
T Ogata, M Nagura, Y Masumoto
Journal of Physical Oceanography 47 (6), 1347-1365, 2017
Atmosphere-ocean coupling effect on intense tropical cyclone distribution and its future change with 60 km-AOGCM. Sci. Rep., 6, 29800
T Ogata, R Mizuta, Y Adachi, H Murakami, T Ose
The vertical structure of annual wave energy flux in the tropical Indian Ocean
Z Li, H Aiki, M Nagura, T Ogata
Progress in Earth and Planetary Science 8, 1-19, 2021
Mechanisms of long‐term variability and recent trend of salinity along 137 E
T Ogata, M Nonaka
Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans 125 (2), e2019JC015290, 2020
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مقالات 1–20