Jennifer Dionne
Jennifer Dionne
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Plasmon slot waveguides: Towards chip-scale propagation with subwavelength-scale localization
JA Dionne, LA Sweatlock, HA Atwater, A Polman
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 73 (3), 035407, 2006
Quantum plasmon resonances of individual metallic nanoparticles
JA Scholl, AL Koh, JA Dionne
Nature 483 (7390), 421-427, 2012
Negative refraction at visible frequencies
HJ Lezec, JA Dionne, HA Atwater
science 316 (5823), 430-432, 2007
Rapid identification of pathogenic bacteria using Raman spectroscopy and deep learning
CS Ho, N Jean, CA Hogan, L Blackmon, SS Jeffrey, M Holodniy, N Banaei, ...
Nature communications 10 (1), 4927, 2019
PlasMOStor: a metal− oxide− Si field effect plasmonic modulator
JA Dionne, K Diest, LA Sweatlock, HA Atwater
Nano letters 9 (2), 897-902, 2009
Observation of quantum tunneling between two plasmonic nanoparticles
JA Scholl, A García-Etxarri, AL Koh, JA Dionne
Nano letters 13 (2), 564-569, 2013
Planar metal plasmon waveguides: frequency-dependent dispersion, propagation, localization, and loss beyond the free electron model
JA Dionne, LA Sweatlock, HA Atwater, A Polman
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 72 (7), 075405, 2005
Roadmap on plasmonics
MI Stockman, K Kneipp, SI Bozhevolnyi, S Saha, A Dutta, J Ndukaife, ...
Journal of Optics 20 (4), 043001, 2018
In situ detection of hydrogen-induced phase transitions in individual palladium nanocrystals
A Baldi, TC Narayan, AL Koh, JA Dionne
Nature materials 13 (12), 1143-1148, 2014
Highly confined photon transport in subwavelength metallic slot waveguides
JA Dionne, HJ Lezec, HA Atwater
Nano letters 6 (9), 1928-1932, 2006
Plasmon-enhanced upconversion
DM Wu, A García-Etxarri, A Salleo, JA Dionne
The journal of physical chemistry letters 5 (22), 4020-4031, 2014
Unraveling the origin of chirality from plasmonic nanoparticle-protein complexes
Q Zhang, T Hernandez, KW Smith, SA Hosseini Jebeli, AX Dai, L Warning, ...
Science 365 (6460), 1475-1478, 2019
Surface-enhanced circular dichroism spectroscopy mediated by nonchiral nanoantennas
A García-Etxarri, JA Dionne
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 87 (23), 235409, 2013
Controlling the interplay of electric and magnetic modes via Fano-like plasmon resonances
SN Sheikholeslami, A García-Etxarri, JA Dionne
Nano letters 11 (9), 3927-3934, 2011
Revealing multiple classes of stable quantum emitters in hexagonal boron nitride with correlated optical and electron microscopy
F Hayee, L Yu, JL Zhang, CJ Ciccarino, M Nguyen, AF Marshall, ...
Nature materials 19 (5), 534-539, 2020
Enantiospecific optical enhancement of chiral sensing and separation with dielectric metasurfaces
ML Solomon, J Hu, M Lawrence, A García-Etxarri, JA Dionne
Acs Photonics 6 (1), 43-49, 2018
Silicon-based plasmonics for on-chip photonics
JA Dionne, LA Sweatlock, MT Sheldon, AP Alivisatos, HA Atwater
IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics 16 (1), 295-306, 2010
Toward efficient optical trapping of sub-10-nm particles with coaxial plasmonic apertures
AAE Saleh, JA Dionne
Nano letters 12 (11), 5581-5586, 2012
Tunable color filters based on metal− insulator− metal resonators
K Diest, JA Dionne, M Spain, HA Atwater
Nano letters 9 (7), 2579-2583, 2009
Enantioselective optical trapping of chiral nanoparticles with plasmonic tweezers
Y Zhao, AAE Saleh, JA Dionne
Acs Photonics 3 (3), 304-309, 2016
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مقالات 1–20