Craig Mackay
Craig Mackay
Prof of Image Science
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Lucky imaging: high angular resolution imaging in the visible from the ground
NM Law, CD Mackay, JE Baldwin
Astronomy & Astrophysics 446 (2), 739-745, 2006
Closure phase in high-resolution optical imaging
JE Baldwin, CA Haniff, CD Mackay, PJ Warner
Nature 320 (6063), 595-597, 1986
Observations of the Structure of Radio Source in the 3C Catalogue—II
CD Mackay
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 145 (1), 31-65, 1969
High resolution imaging of galaxy cores
P Crane, M Stiavelli, IR King, JM Deharveng, R Albrecht, C Barbieri, ...
Astronomical Journal (ISSN 0004-6256), vol. 106, no. 4, p. 1371-1393, 1707 …, 1993
The first images from optical aperture synthesis
CA Haniff, CD Mackay, DJ Titterington, D Sivia, JE Baldwin, PJ Warner
Nature 328 (6132), 694-696, 1987
The first images from an optical aperture synthesis array: mapping of Capella with COAST at two epochs.
JE Baldwin, MG Beckett, RC Boysen, D Burns, DF Buscher, GC Cox, ...
Astronomy and Astrophysics, v. 306, p. L13 306, L13, 1996
Charge-coupled devices in astronomy
CD Mackay
IN: Annual review of astronomy and astrophysics. Volume 24 (A87-26730 10-90 …, 1986
Photon counting strategies with low-light-level CCDs
AG Basden, CA Haniff, CD Mackay
Monthly notices of the royal astronomical society 345 (3), 985-991, 2003
First results from the Faint Object Camera-SN 1987A
P Jakobsen, R Albrecht, C Barbieri, JC Blades, A Boksenberg, P Crane, ...
Astrophysical Journal, Part 2-Letters (ISSN 0004-637X), vol. 369, March 10 …, 1991
Interacting elliptical galaxies as hosts of intermediate-redshift quasars
MJ Disney, PJ Boyce, JC Blades, A Boksenberg, P Crane, JM Deharveng, ...
Nature 376 (6536), 150-153, 1995
Blue stragglers in the core of the globular cluster 47 Tucanae
F Paresce, M Shara, G Meylan, D Baxter, P Greenfield, R Jedrzejewski, ...
Nature 352 (6333), 297-301, 1991
Subelectron read noise at MHz pixel rates
CD Mackay, RN Tubbs, R Bell, DJ Burt, P Jerram, I Moody
Sensors and Camera Systems for Scientific, Industrial, and Digital …, 2001
New views of Betelgeuse: multi-wavelength surface imaging and implications for models of hotspot generation
JS Young, JE Baldwin, RC Boysen, CA Haniff, PR Lawson, CD Mackay, ...
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 315 (3), 635-645, 2000
The Las Campanas Infrared Survey: Early-Type Galaxy Progenitors beyond z= 1
PJ McCarthy, RG Carlberg, HW Chen, RO Marzke, AE Firth, RS Ellis, ...
The Astrophysical Journal 560 (2), L131, 2001
Faint galaxy number–magnitude counts at high galactic latitude–I
P Hall, CD Mackay
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 210 (4), 979-992, 1984
The Las Campanas Infrared Survey–II. Photometric redshifts, comparison with models and clustering evolution
AE Firth, RS Somerville, RG McMahon, O Lahav, RS Ellis, CN Sabbey, ...
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 332 (3), 617-646, 2002
Observations of the Structure of Radio sources in the 3C Catalogue—V: The Properties of Sources in a complete Sample
CD Mackay
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 154 (2), 209-227, 1971
The relations between radio and forbidden [O III]-emission line luminosities in FRII radiogalaxies
S Rawlings, R Saunders, SA Eales, CD Mackay
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 240 (3), 701-722, 1989
Observations of the Structure of Radio Sources in the 3C Catalogue—III: The Absolute Determination of Positions of 78 Compact Sources
B Elsmore, CD Mackay
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 146 (4), 361-379, 1969
HST Planetary Camera images of quasar host galaxies
PJ Boyce, MJ Disney, JC Blades, A Boksenberg, P Crane, JM Deharveng, ...
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 298 (1), 121-130, 1998
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مقالات 1–20