Farkhondeh Jabari
Farkhondeh Jabari
Assistant Professor and Head of International Affairs Department at Niroo Research Institute (NRI)
بريد إلكتروني تم التحقق منه على nri.ac.ir - الصفحة الرئيسية
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Designing and optimizing a novel advanced adiabatic compressed air energy storage and air source heat pump based μ-Combined Cooling, heating and power system
F Jabari, S Nojavan, BM Ivatloo
Energy 116, 64-77, 2016
Optimal short-term scheduling of a novel tri-generation system in the presence of demand response programs and battery storage system
F Jabari, S Nojavan, BM Ivatloo, MBB Sharifian
Energy conversion and management 122, 95-108, 2016
A solar dish Stirling engine combined humidification-dehumidification desalination cycle for cleaner production of cool, pure water, and power in hot and humid regions
F Jabari, M Nazari-heris, B Mohammadi-ivatloo, S Asadi, M Abapour
Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments 37, 100642, 2020
Optimal short-term coordination of water-heat-power nexus incorporating plug-in electric vehicles and real-time demand response programs
F Jabari, H Jabari, B Mohammadi-ivatloo, J Ghafouri
Energy 174, 708-723, 2019
Design and performance investigation of a biogas fueled combined cooling and power generation system
F Jabari, B Mohammadi-ivatloo, MB Bannae-Sharifian, H Ghaebi
Energy Conversion and Management 169, 371-382, 2018
Operation, planning, and analysis of energy storage systems in smart energy hubs
B Mohammadi-Ivatloo, F Jabari
Springer International Publishing, 2018
Biogas fueled combined cooling, desalinated water and power generation systems
F Jabari, B Mohammadi-ivatloo, H Ghaebi, MB Bannae-sharifian
Journal of Cleaner Production 219, 906-924, 2019
An updated review on multi-carrier energy systems with electricity, gas, and water energy sources
M Nazari-heris, F Jabari, B Mohammadi-ivatloo, S Asadi, M Habibnezhad
Journal of Cleaner Production 275, 123136, 2020
Risk-constrained scheduling of solar Stirling engine based industrial continuous heat treatment furnace
F Jabari, S Nojavan, B Mohammadi-ivatloo, H Ghaebi, H Mehrjerdi
Applied Thermal Engineering 128, 940-955, 2018
Design and robust optimization of a novel industrial continuous heat treatment furnace
F Jabari, B Mohammadi-ivatloo, MBB Sharifian, S Nojavan
Energy 142, 896-910, 2018
Backward-forward sweep based power flow algorithm in distribution systems
F Jabari, F Sohrabi, P Pourghasem, B Mohammadi-Ivatloo
Optimization of power system problems: methods, algorithms and MATLAB codes …, 2020
An augmented group search optimization algorithm for optimal cooling-load dispatch in multi-chiller plants
H Teimourzadeh, F Jabari, B Mohammadi-Ivatloo
Computers & Electrical Engineering 85, 106434, 2020
Energy efficient hourly scheduling of multi-chiller systems using imperialistic competitive algorithm
F Jabari, M Mohammadpourfard, B Mohammadi-Ivatloo
Computers & Electrical Engineering 82, 106550, 2020
A biogas‐steam combined cycle for sustainable development of industrial‐scale water‐power hybrid microgrids: design and optimal scheduling
F Jabari, H Arasteh, A Sheikhi‐Fini, H Ghaebi, MB Bannae‐Sharifian, ...
Biofuels, Bioproducts and Biorefining, 2021
Design, evaluation, and optimization of an efficient solar-based multi-generation system with an energy storage option for Iran’s summer peak demand
L Khani, F Jabari, M Mohammadpourfard, B Mohammadi-Ivatloo
Energy Conversion and Management 242, 114324, 2021
Risk-Constrained Optimal Chiller Loading Strategy Using Information Gap Decision Theory
E Shi, F Jabari, A Anvari-Moghaddam, M Mohammadpourfard
Sustainable Energy Systems Planning, Integration and Management, 190, 2020
Robust optimal self-scheduling of potable water and power producers under uncertain electricity prices
F Jabari, B Mohammadi-ivatloo, M Mohammadpourfard
Applied Thermal Engineering 162, 114258, 2019
Large-scale power system controlled islanding based on backward elimination method and primary maximum expansion areas considering static voltage stability
F Jabari, H Seyedi, SN Ravadanegh
International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems 67, 368-380, 2015
Coordination of interdependent natural gas and electricity systems based on information gap decision theory
F Sohrabi, F Jabari, B Mohammadi‐Ivatloo, A Soroudi
IET Generation, Transmission & Distribution 13 (15), 3362-3369, 2019
Long-term load forecasting approach using dynamic feed-forward back-propagation artificial neural network
A Masoumi, F Jabari, S Ghassem Zadeh, B Mohammadi-Ivatloo
Optimization of power system problems: methods, algorithms and MATLAB codes …, 2020
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مقالات 1–20