Anja Bechmann
Anja Bechmann
Professor, Aarhus University, Denmark
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Internet Research: Ethical Guidelines
AS Franzke, A Bechmann, M Zimmer, C Ess
Association of Internet Researchers (AOiR) 3, 2020
Partisan polarization is the primary psychological motivation behind political fake news sharing on Twitter
M Osmundsen, A Bor, PB Vahlstrup, A Bechmann, MB Petersen
American political science review 115 (3), 999-1015, 2021
Mapping actor roles in social media: Different perspectives on value creation in theories of user participation
A Bechmann, S Lomborg
New media & society 15 (5), 765-781, 2013
Using APIs for data collection on social media
S Lomborg, A Bechmann
The Information Society 30 (4), 256-265, 2014
A multi-dimensional approach to disinformation: Report of the independent High level Group on fake news and online disinformation
B al
Unsupervised by any other name: Hidden layers of knowledge production in artificial intelligence on social media
A Bechmann, GC Bowker
Big Data & Society 6 (1), 2053951718819569, 2019
Are we exposed to the same “news” in the news feed? An empirical analysis of filter bubbles as information similarity for Danish Facebook users
A Bechmann, KL Nielbo
Digital journalism 6 (8), 990-1002, 2018
Non-informed consent cultures: Privacy policies and app contracts on Facebook
A Bechmann
Journal of Media Business Studies 11 (1), 21-38, 2014
A public health research agenda for managing infodemics: methods and results of the first WHO infodemiology conference
N Calleja, AH AbdAllah, N Abad, N Ahmed, D Albarracin, E Altieri, ...
JMIR infodemiology 1 (1), e30979, 2021
Facebook shuts the gate after the horse has bolted, and hurts real research in the process
A Bruns, A Bechmann, J Burgess, A Chadwick, LS Clark, WH Dutton, ...
Internet Policy Review, 2018
Internet and cross media productions: Case studies in two major danish media organizations.
AB Petersen
Australian Journal of Emerging Technologies & Society 4 (2), 2006
Human rights in the age of platforms
RF Jørgensen
The MIT Press, 2019
Tackling disinformation and infodemics demands media policy changes
A Bechmann
Digital journalism 8 (6), 855-863, 2020
Performance analysis of fact-checking organizations and initiatives in Europe: a critical overview of online platforms fighting fake news
T Pavleska, A Školkay, B Zankova, N Ribeiro, A Bechmann
Disinformation and digital media as a challenge for democracy 6, 217-246, 2020
Different types of COVID-19 misinformation have different emotional valence on Twitter
M Charquero-Ballester, JG Walter, IA Nissen, A Bechmann
Big Data & Society 8 (2), 20539517211041279, 2021
Building truths in AI: Making predictive algorithms doable in healthcare
A Henriksen, A Bechmann
Information, Communication & Society 23 (6), 802-816, 2020
Internet profiling: The economy of data intraoperability on Facebook and Google
A Bechmann
MedieKultur: Journal of media and communication research 29 (55), 19 p.-19 p., 2013
Towards cross-platform value creation: Four patterns of circulation and control
A Bechmann
Information, Communication & Society 15 (6), 888-908, 2012
Studying Facebook and Instagram data: The Digital Footprints software
A Bechmann, PB Vahlstrup
First Monday 20 (12), 20, 2015
Situated accountability: Ethical principles, certification standards, and explanation methods in applied AI
A Henriksen, S Enni, A Bechmann
Proceedings of the 2021 AAAI/ACM Conference on AI, Ethics, and Society, 574-585, 2021
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مقالات 1–20