Andras Kosztolanyi
Andras Kosztolanyi
Department of Zoology, University of Veterinary Medicine Budapest, Hungary
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Unexpected diversity in socially synchronized rhythms of shorebirds
M Bulla, M Valcu, AM Dokter, AG Dondua, A Kosztolányi, AL Rutten, ...
Nature 540 (7631), 109-113, 2016
Influence of owners’ attachment style and personality on their dogs’(Canis familiaris) separation-related disorder
V Konok, A Kosztolányi, W Rainer, B Mutschler, U Halsband, Á Miklósi
PloS one 10 (2), e0118375, 2015
Kentish Versus Snowy Plover: Phenotypic and Genetic Analyses of Charadrius alexandrinus Reveal Divergence of Eurasian and American Subspecies
C Küpper, J Augustin, A Kosztolányi, T Burke, J Flguerola, T Székely
The Auk 126 (4), 839-852, 2009
Demographic causes of adult sex ratio variation and their consequences for parental cooperation
LJ Eberhart-Phillips, C Küpper, MC Carmona-Isunza, O Vincze, S Zefania, ...
Nature Communications 9 (1), 1651, 2018
The influence of a hot environment on parental cooperation of a ground-nesting shorebird, the Kentish plover Charadrius alexandrinus
M AlRashidi, A Kosztolányi, C Küpper, IC Cuthill, S Javed, T Székely
Frontiers in Zoology 7, 1-10, 2010
The effects of age and sex on the apparent survival of Kentish Plovers breeding in southern Turkey
BK Sandercock, T Székely, A Kosztolányi
The Condor 107 (3), 583-596, 2005
Parental cooperation in an extreme hot environment: natural behaviour and experimental evidence
M AlRashidi, A Kosztolanyi, M Shobrak, C Kuepper, T Szekely
Animal Behaviour 82 (2), 235-243, 2011
Ecological constraints on breeding system evolution: the influence of habitat on brood desertion in Kentish plover
A Kosztolányi, T Székely, IC Cuthill, KT Yilmaz, S Berberoǧlu
Journal of Animal Ecology 75 (1), 257-265, 2006
Parental cooperation in a changing climate: fluctuating environments predict shifts in care division
O Vincze, A Kosztolányi, Z Barta, C Küpper, M Alrashidi, JA Amat, ...
Global Ecology and Biogeography 26 (3), 347-358, 2017
Local environment but not genetic differentiation influences biparental care in ten plover populations
O Vincze, T Szekely, C Küpper, M AlRashidi, JA Amat, AA Ticó, D Burgas, ...
PLoS One 8 (4), e60998, 2013
High gene flow on a continental scale in the polyandrous Kentish plover Charadrius alexandrinus
C Küpper, SV Edwards, A Kosztolányi, M Alrashidi, T Burke, P Herrmann, ...
Molecular ecology 21 (23), 5864-5879, 2012
Breeding ecology of Kentish Plover Charadrius alexandrinus in an extremely hot environment
A Kosztolányi, S Javed, C Küpper, IC Cuthill, A Al Shamsi, T Székely
Bird Study 56 (2), 244-252, 2009
Using a transponder system to monitor incubation routines of Snowy Plovers (Usando un sistema de transpondor para monitorear las rutinas de anidaje de Charadrius a. alexandrinus)
A Kosztolányi, T Székely
Journal of Field Ornithology, 199-205, 2002
Conflict between genetic and phenotypic differentiation: the evolutionary history of a ‘lost and rediscovered’shorebird
FE Rheindt, T Szekely, SV Edwards, PLM Lee, T Burke, PR Kennerley, ...
PLoS One 6 (11), e26995, 2011
Persistence of an extreme male‐biased adult sex ratio in a natural population of polyandrous bird
A Kosztolányi, Z Barta, C Küpper, T Székely
Journal of Evolutionary Biology 24 (8), 1842-1846, 2011
Genetic mating system and timing of extra-pair fertilizations in the Kentish plover
C Küpper, J Kis, A Kosztolányi, T Székely, IC Cuthill, D Blomqvist
Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 57, 32-39, 2004
Negotiation between parents over care: reversible compensation during incubation
A Kosztolányi, IC Cuthill, T Székely
Behavioral Ecology 20 (2), 446-452, 2009
Sexual conflict over parental care: a case study of shorebirds
T Székely, A Kosztolányi, C Küpper, GH Thomas
Journal of Ornithology 148, 211-217, 2007
Dogs rapidly develop socially competent behaviour while interacting with a contingently responding self-propelled object
A Gergely, J Abdai, E Petró, A Kosztolányi, J Topál, Á Miklósi
Animal behaviour 108, 137-144, 2015
Heterozygosity‐fitness correlations of conserved microsatellite markers in Kentish plovers Charadrius alexandrinus
C Kuepper, A Kosztolanyi, J Augustin, DA Dawson, T Burke, T Szekely
Molecular Ecology 19 (23), 5172-5185, 2010
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مقالات 1–20