Zhuo Chen
Zhuo Chen
PhD student at Computer Science Department, Carnegie Mellon University
بريد إلكتروني تم التحقق منه على cs.cmu.edu - الصفحة الرئيسية
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Towards wearable cognitive assistance
K Ha, Z Chen, W Hu, W Richter, P Pillai, M Satyanarayanan
Proceedings of the 12th annual international conference on Mobile systems …, 2014
Edge analytics in the internet of things
M Satyanarayanan, P Simoens, Y Xiao, P Pillai, Z Chen, K Ha, W Hu, ...
IEEE Pervasive Computing 14 (2), 24-31, 2015
{Walkie-Markie}: indoor pathway mapping made easy
G Shen, Z Chen, P Zhang, T Moscibroda, Y Zhang
10th USENIX symposium on networked systems design and implementation (NSDI …, 2013
An empirical study of latency in an emerging class of edge computing applications for wearable cognitive assistance
Z Chen, W Hu, J Wang, S Zhao, B Amos, G Wu, K Ha, K Elgazzar, P Pillai, ...
Proceedings of the Second ACM/IEEE Symposium on Edge Computing, 1-14, 2017
Bandwidth-efficient live video analytics for drones via edge computing
J Wang, Z Feng, Z Chen, S George, M Bala, P Pillai, SW Yang, ...
2018 ieee/acm symposium on edge computing (sec), 159-173, 2018
Cloudlets: at the leading edge of mobile-cloud convergence
M Satyanarayanan, Z Chen, K Ha, W Hu, W Richter, P Pillai
6th international conference on mobile computing, applications and services, 1-9, 2014
Scalable crowd-sourcing of video from mobile devices
P Simoens, Y Xiao, P Pillai, Z Chen, K Ha, M Satyanarayanan
Proceeding of the 11th annual international conference on Mobile systems …, 2013
Quantifying the impact of edge computing on mobile applications
W Hu, Y Gao, K Ha, J Wang, B Amos, Z Chen, P Pillai, M Satyanarayanan
Proceedings of the 7th ACM SIGOPS Asia-Pacific workshop on systems, 1-8, 2016
Adaptive VM handoff across cloudlets
K Ha, Y Abe, Z Chen, W Hu, B Amos, P Pillai, M Satyanarayanan
Technical Report CMU-CS-15-113, 2015
You can teach elephants to dance: Agile VM handoff for edge computing
K Ha, Y Abe, T Eiszler, Z Chen, W Hu, B Amos, R Upadhyaya, P Pillai, ...
Proceedings of the second ACM/IEEE symposium on edge computing, 1-14, 2017
Early implementation experience with wearable cognitive assistance applications
Z Chen, L Jiang, W Hu, K Ha, B Amos, P Pillai, A Hauptmann, ...
Proceedings of the 2015 workshop on Wearable Systems and Applications, 33-38, 2015
Cloudlets: at the leading edge of cloud-mobile convergence
M Satyanarayanan
Proceedings of the 9th international ACM Sigsoft conference on Quality of …, 2013
The case for offload shaping
W Hu, B Amos, Z Chen, K Ha, W Richter, P Pillai, B Gilbert, J Harkes, ...
Proceedings of the 16th International Workshop on Mobile Computing Systems …, 2015
Live synthesis of vehicle-sourced data over 4G LTE
W Hu, Z Feng, Z Chen, J Harkes, P Pillai, M Satyanarayanan
Proceedings of the 20th ACM International Conference on Modelling, Analysis …, 2017
Edge-based live video analytics for drones
J Wang, Z Feng, Z Chen, SA George, M Bala, P Pillai, SW Yang, ...
IEEE Internet Computing 23 (4), 27-34, 2019
QuiltView: A crowd-sourced video response system
Z Chen, W Hu, K Ha, J Harkes, B Gilbert, J Hong, A Smailagic, ...
Proceedings of the 15th Workshop on Mobile Computing Systems and …, 2014
An application platform for wearable cognitive assistance
Z Chen
Ph. D. Dissertation. Computer Science Dept., Carnegie Mellon Univ, 2018
Tarantula: Towards an accurate network coordinate system by handling major portion of TIVs
Z Chen, Y Chen, Y Zhu, C Ding, B Deng, X Li
2011 IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference-GLOBECOM 2011, 1-6, 2011
Pomelo: accurate and decentralized shortest-path distance estimation in social graphs
Z Chen, Y Chen, C Ding, B Deng, X Li
Proceedings of the ACM SIGCOMM 2011 conference, 406-407, 2011
An Application Framework for Wearable Cognitive Assistance
Z Chen
PhD thesis, Intel, 2016. 2.1, 2016
يتعذر على النظام إجراء العملية في الوقت الحالي. عاود المحاولة لاحقًا.
مقالات 1–20