Gang Peng
Gang Peng
بريد إلكتروني تم التحقق منه على fullerton.edu
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Interfirm networks, social capital, and knowledge flow
J Mu, G Peng, E Love
Journal of knowledge management 12 (4), 86-100, 2008
Effect of risk management strategy on NPD performance
J Mu, G Peng, DL MacLachlan
Technovation 29 (3), 170-180, 2009
Strategic orientation and new product development performance: The role of networking capability and networking ability
J Mu, E Thomas, G Peng, A Di Benedetto
Industrial Marketing Management 64, 187-201, 2017
Healthcare IT adoption: An analysis of knowledge transfer in socioeconomic networks
G Peng, D Dey, A Lahiri
Journal of Management Information Systems 31 (3), 7-34, 2014
New product development in Chinese SMEs: Key success factors from a managerial perspective
J Mu, G Peng, Y Tan
International Journal of Emerging Markets 2 (2), 123-143, 2007
Do computer skills affect worker employment? An empirical study from CPS surveys
G Peng
Computers in Human Behavior 74, 26-34, 2017
Technology adoption in online social networks
G Peng, J Mu
Journal of product innovation management 28 (s1), 133-145, 2011
Information technology and employment: The Impact of job tasks and worker skills
G Peng, Y Wang, G Han
Journal of Industrial Relations 60 (2), 201-223, 2018
Network ties and the success of open source software development
G Peng, Y Wan, P Woodlock
The Journal of Strategic Information Systems 22 (4), 269-281, 2013
A dynamic view of the impact of network structure on technology adoption: The case of OSS development
G Peng, D Dey
Information Systems Research 24 (4), 1087-1099, 2013
Aiming the mobile targets in a cross-cultural context: Effects of trust, privacy concerns, and attitude
Y Wang, E Genc, G Peng
International Journal of Human–Computer Interaction 36 (3), 227-238, 2020
Impact of network effects and diffusion channels on home computer adoption
G Peng, M Fan, D Dey
Decision Support Systems 51 (3), 384-393, 2011
Network structures and online technology adoption
G Peng, J Mu
IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management 58 (2), 323-333, 2011
Critical mass, diffusion channels, and digital divide
G Peng
Journal of Computer Information Systems 50 (3), 63-71, 2010
Computer skills, non-routine tasks, and wage premium: A longitudinal study
G Peng, RV Eunni
The Journal of Strategic Information Systems 20 (4), 449-460, 2011
Creating team ambidexterity: The effects of leader dialectical thinking and collective team identification
YT Bai, GH Han, G Peng
European Management Journal, 2021
What's next for shopbots?
Y Wan, G Peng
Computer 43 (5), 20-26, 2010
Co-membership, networks ties, and knowledge flow: An empirical investigation controlling for alternative mechanisms
G Peng
Decision Support Systems 118, 83-90, 2019
Network ties in the outside-in strategy: Contingencies of resource endowments and absorptive capacity
G Peng, O Turel
Industrial Marketing Management 91, 373-384, 2020
Learning and open source software license choice
G Peng, J Mu, CA Di Benedetto
Decision Sciences 44 (4), 619-643, 2013
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مقالات 1–20