P.N. Beets
P.N. Beets
scientist, scion
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Designing systems to monitor carbon stocks in forests and shrublands
DA Coomes, RB Allen, NA Scott, C Goulding, P Beets
Forest Ecology and Management 164 (1-3), 89-108, 2002
Physiological impacts of Mg deficiency in Pinus radiata: growth and photosynthesis
W Laing, D Greer, O Sun, P Beets, A Lowe, TIM Payn
The New Phytologist 146 (1), 47-57, 2000
Carbon partitioning in Pinus radiata stands in relation to foliage nitrogen status
PN Beets, D Whitehead
Tree physiology 16 (1-2), 131-138, 1996
Implications of albedo changes following afforestation on the benefits of forests as carbon sinks
MUF Kirschbaum, D Whitehead, SM Dean, PN Beets, JD Shepherd, ...
Biogeosciences 8 (12), 3687-3696, 2011
Response of radiata pine forests to residue management and fertilisation across a fertility gradient in New Zealand
CT Smith, AT Lowe, MF Skinner, PN Beets, SH Schoenholtz, S Fang
Forest Ecology and Management 138 (1-3), 203-223, 2000
Allometric equations for estimating carbon stocks in natural forest in New Zealand
PN Beets, MO Kimberley, GR Oliver, SH Pearce, JD Graham, A Brandon
Forests 3 (3), 818-839, 2012
Airborne scanning LiDAR in a double sampling forest carbon inventory
PR Stephens, MO Kimberley, PN Beets, TSH Paul, N Searles, A Bell, ...
Remote Sensing of Environment 117, 348-357, 2012
Accumulation and partitioning of dry matter in Pinus radiata as related to stand age and thinning.
PN Beets, DS Pollock
New Zealand Journal of Forestry Science 17 (2), 246-271, 1987
Nutrition and productivity of Pinus radiata following harvest disturbance and fertilization of coastal sand dunes
CT Smith, WJ Dyck, PN Beets, PD Hodgkiss, AT Lowe
Forest Ecology and Management 66 (1-3), 5-38, 1994
Description and validation of C_Change: a model for simulating carbon content in managed Pinus radiata stands
PN Beets, KA Roberston, JB Ford-Robertson, J Gordon, JP Maclaren
New Zealand Journal of Forestry Science 29 (3), 409-427, 1999
Wood density of radiata pine: effect of nitrogen supply
PN Beets, K Gilchrist, MP Jeffreys
Forest Ecology and Management 145 (3), 173-180, 2001
Above-ground dry matter and nutrient content of Pinus radiata as affected by lupin, fertiliser, thinning, and stand age.
PN Beets, HAI Madgwick
New Zealand Journal of Forestry Science 18 (1), 43-64, 1988
Coarse woody debris decay rates for seven indigenous tree species in the central North Island of New Zealand
PN Beets, IA Hood, MO Kimberley, GR Oliver, SH Pearce, JF Gardner
Forest Ecology and Management 256 (4), 548-557, 2008
Strategies to estimate national forest carbon stocks from inventory data: the 1990 New Zealand baseline
GMJ Hall, SK Wiser, RB Allen, PN Beets, CJ Goulding
Global Change Biology 7 (4), 389-403, 2001
Puruki experimental catchment: site, climate, forest management, and research
PN Beets, RK Brownlie
New Zealand Journal of Forestry Science 17 (2/3), 137-160, 1987
Carbon sequestration by New Zealand’s plantation forests
DY Hollinger, JP Maclaren, PN Beets, J Turland
New Zealand Journal of Forestry Science 23 (2), 194-208, 1993
Soil carbon protection in podocarp/hardwood forest, and effects of conversion to pasture and exotic pine forest
PN Beets, GR Oliver, PW Clinton
Environmental Pollution 116, S63-S73, 2002
Variation in soil carbon in pine plantations and implications for monitoring soil carbon stocks in relation to land-use change and forest site management in New Zealand
GR Oliver, PN Beets, LG Garrett, SH Pearce, MO Kimberly, ...
Forest Ecology and Management 203 (1-3), 283-295, 2004
Root/shoot ratios for deriving below-ground biomass of Pinus radiata stands
PN Beets, SH Pearce, GR Oliver, PW Clinton
New Zealand Journal of Forestry Science 37 (2), 267, 2007
New Zealand carbon monitoring system: indigenous forest and shrubland data collection manual
IJ Payton, CL Newell, PN Beets
Manaaki Whenua Landcare Research, 2004
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مقالات 1–20