Nancy L. McElwain
Nancy L. McElwain
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Maternal sensitivity to infant distress and nondistress as predictors of infant-mother attachment security.
NL McElwain, C Booth-LaForce
Journal of family Psychology 20 (2), 247, 2006
Mother‐and father‐reported reactions to children’s negative emotions: Relations to young children’s emotional understanding and friendship quality
NL McElwain, AG Halberstadt, BL Volling
Child development 78 (5), 1407-1425, 2007
Parents' emotional availability and infant emotional competence: predictors of parent-infant attachment and emerging self-regulation.
BL Volling, NL McElwain, PC Notaro, C Herrera
Journal of Family psychology 16 (4), 447, 2002
Emotion regulation in context: The jealousy complex between young siblings and its relations with child and family characteristics
BL Volling, NL McElwain, AL Miller
Child development 73 (2), 581-600, 2002
Parent, family, and child characteristics: associations with mother-and father-reported emotion socialization practices.
MS Wong, NL McElwain, AG Halberstadt
Journal of Family Psychology 23 (4), 452, 2009
Preschool children's interactions with friends and older siblings: relationship specificity and joint contributions to problem behavior.
NL McElwain, BL Volling
Journal of family psychology 19 (4), 486, 2005
Intergenerational transmission of role reversal between parent and child: Dyadic and family systems internal working models
J Macfie, NL Mcelwain, RM Houts, MJ Cox
Attachment & human development 7 (1), 51-65, 2005
Maternal and paternal perceptions of coparenting as a link between marital quality and the parent–toddler relationship.
AS Holland, NL McElwain
Journal of Family Psychology 27 (1), 117, 2013
Preservice teachers’ emotion-related regulation and cognition: Associations with teachers’ responses to children's emotions in early childhood classrooms
RA Swartz, NL McElwain
Early Education & Development 23 (2), 202-226, 2012
Parental reactions to toddlers' negative emotions and child negative emotionality as correlates of problem behavior at the age of three
JM Engle, NL McElwain
Social Development 20 (2), 251-271, 2011
Attachment security and parental sensitivity during infancy: Associations with friendship quality and false-belief understanding at age 4
NL McElwain, BL Volling
Journal of Social and Personal Relationships 21 (5), 639-667, 2004
Sibling jealousy in a triadic context with mothers and fathers
AL Miller, BL Volling, NL McElwain
Social Development 9 (4), 433-457, 2000
Differentiating among insecure mother-infant attachment classifications: A focus on child-friend interaction and exploration during solitary play at 36 months
NL McELWAIN, MJ Cox, MR Burchinal, J Macfie
Attachment & human development 5 (2), 136-164, 2003
Presence and quality of kindergarten children's friendships: Concurrent and longitudinal associations with child adjustment in the early school years
JM Engle, NL McElwain, N Lasky
Infant and Child Development 20 (4), 365-386, 2011
A process model of attachment–friend linkages: Hostile attribution biases, language ability, and mother–child affective mutuality as intervening mechanisms
NL McElwain, C Booth‐LaForce, JE Lansford, X Wu, W Justin Dyer
Child development 79 (6), 1891-1906, 2008
Depressed mood and marital conflict: Relations to maternal and paternal intrusiveness with one-year-old infants
NL McElwain, BL Volling
Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology 20 (1), 63-83, 1999
The effect of father–toddler and mother–toddler role reversal on the development of behavior problems in kindergarten
J Macfie, RM Houts, NL McElwain, MJ Cox
Social Development 14 (3), 514-531, 2005
Infant–mother attachment and children's friendship quality: Maternal mental-state talk as an intervening mechanism.
NL McElwain, C Booth-LaForce, X Wu
Developmental psychology 47 (5), 1295, 2011
Child anger proneness moderates associations between child-mother attachment security and child behavior with mothers at 33 months.
NL McElwain, AS Holland, JM Engle, MS Wong
Journal of Family Psychology 26 (1), 76, 2012
Relating individual control, social understanding, and gender to child–friend interaction: A relationships perspective
NL McElwain, BL Volling
Social Development 11 (3), 362-385, 2002
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مقالات 1–20