Lorenzo Fusco
Lorenzo Fusco
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Assessing the nonequilibrium thermodynamics in a quenched quantum many-body system via single projective measurements
L Fusco, S Pigeon, TJG Apollaro, A Xuereb, L Mazzola, M Campisi, ...
Physical Review X 4 (3), 031029, 2014
Experimental determination of irreversible entropy production in out-of-equilibrium mesoscopic quantum systems
M Brunelli, L Fusco, R Landig, W Wieczorek, J Hoelscher-Obermaier, ...
Physical review letters 121 (16), 160604, 2018
Work extraction and energy storage in the Dicke model
L Fusco, M Paternostro, G De Chiara
Physical Review E 94 (5), 052122, 2016
Thermodynamics of trajectories and local fluctuation theorems for harmonic quantum networks
S Pigeon, L Fusco, A Xuereb, G De Chiara, M Paternostro
New Journal of Physics 18 (1), 013009, 2015
Thermodynamics of trajectories of a quantum harmonic oscillator coupled to baths
S Pigeon, L Fusco, A Xuereb, G De Chiara, M Paternostro
Physical Review A 92 (1), 013844, 2015
Vibrational assisted conduction in a molecular wire
S Pigeon, L Fusco, G De Chiara, M Paternostro
Quantum Science and Technology 2 (2), 025006, 2017
Measurement of irreversible entropy production in mesoscopic quantum systems out of equilibrium
M Brunelli, L Fusco, R Landig, W Wieczorek, J Hoelscher-Obermaier, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:1602.06958, 2016
Non-equilibrium thermodynamics in quantum many-body systems
L Fusco
Queen's University Belfast, 2016
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
S Pigeon, L Fusco, G De Chiara
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مقالات 1–9