Miguel A. Aguirre
Miguel A. Aguirre
Full Professor of Electronic Engineering. University of Sevilla, SPAIN
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
A flexible selective harmonic mitigation technique to meet grid codes in three-level PWM converters
LG Franquelo, J Nápoles, RCP Guisado, JI León, MA Aguirre
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 54 (6), 3022-3029, 2007
Selective harmonic mitigation technique for high-power converters
J Napoles, JI Leon, R Portillo, LG Franquelo, MA Aguirre
IEEE Transactions on Industrial electronics 57 (7), 2315-2323, 2009
Selective Harmonic Mitigation Technique for Cascaded H-Bridge Converters with Non-Equal DC Link Voltages
J Napoles, A Watson, J Padilla, J Leon, L Franquelo, W Patrick, M Aguirre
Industrial Electronics, IEEE Transactions on, 2012
Using benchmarks for radiation testing of microprocessors and FPGAs
H Quinn, WH Robinson, P Rech, M Aguirre, A Barnard, M Desogus, ...
IEEE transactions on nuclear science 62 (6), 2547-2554, 2015
Fuzzy hardware: architectures and applications
A Kandel, G Langholz
Springer Science & Business Media, 2012
Los Sistemas de Indicadores Ambientales y su Papel em la Información e Integración Del Medio Ambiente
MA Royuela
I Congreso de Ingeniería Civil, Territorio y Medio Ambiente, 1231-1256, 2001
International physical activity questionnaire overestimation is ameliorated by individual analysis of the scores
VJ Bermúdez, JJ Rojas, EB Córdova, R Añez, A Toledo, MA Aguirre, ...
American journal of therapeutics 20 (4), 448-458, 2013
Compiler-directed soft error mitigation for embedded systems
A Martinez-Alvarez, S Cuenca-Asensi, F Restrepo-Calle, FRP Pinto, ...
IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing 9 (2), 159-172, 2011
FTUNSHADES2: A novel platform for early evaluation of robustness against SEE
JM Mogollon, H Guzman-Miranda, J Napoles, J Barrientos, MA Aguirre
2011 12th European Conference on Radiation and Its Effects on Components and …, 2011
Selective protection analysis using a SEU emulator: Testing protocol and case study over the Leon2 processor
MA Aguirre, JN Tombs, F Munoz, V Baena, H Guzman, J Napoles, ...
IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science 54 (4), 951-956, 2007
A unified environment for fault injection at any design level based on emulation
C Lopez-Ongil, L Entrena, M Garcia-Valderas, M Portela, MA Aguirre, ...
IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science 54 (4), 946-950, 2007
The Gravity field and steady‐state Ocean Circulation Explorer mission‐GOCE
H Rebhan
ESA Earth Obs. Q. 66, 6, 2000
Coping with the obsolescence of safety-or mission-critical embedded systems using FPGAs
H Guzman-Miranda, L Sterpone, M Violante, MA Aguirre, ...
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 58 (3), 814-821, 2010
Noninvasive fault classification, robustness and recovery time measurement in microprocessor-type architectures subjected to radiation-induced errors
HÓ Guzman-Miranda, MA Aguirre, J Tombs
IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement 58 (5), 1514-1524, 2009
The European Earth explorer mission GOCE: impact for the geosciences
P Visser, R Rummel, G Balmino, H Sünkel, J Johannessen, M Aguirre, ...
Ice Sheets, Sea Level and the Dynamic Earth 29, 95-107, 2002
On the design of tunable fault tolerant circuits on SRAM-based FPGAs for safety critical applications
L Sterpone, M Aguirre, J Tombs, H Guzmán-Miranda
Proceedings of the conference on Design, automation and test in Europe, 336-341, 2008
Sentinel-3-the ocean and medium-resolution land mission for GMES operational services
M Aguirre, B Berruti, JL Bezy, M Drinkwater, F Heliere, U Klein, ...
ESA bulletin 131, 24-29, 2007
SRAL SAR radar altimeter for sentinel-3 mission
Y Le Roy, M Deschaux-Beaume, C Mavrocordatos, M Aguirre, F Heliere
2007 IEEE international geoscience and remote sensing symposium, 219-222, 2007
A novel co-design approach for soft errors mitigation in embedded systems
S Cuenca-Asensi, A Martinez-Alvarez, F Restrepo-Calle, FR Palomo, ...
IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science 58 (3), 1059-1065, 2011
A Novel Mixed Signal Programmable Device With On-Chip Microprocessor
JMI Julio Faura, Chris Horton, Phuoc Van Duong, Jordi
Custom Integrated Circuits Conference, 1997., Proceedings of the IEEE 1997, 1997
يتعذر على النظام إجراء العملية في الوقت الحالي. عاود المحاولة لاحقًا.
مقالات 1–20