Christina Estela Brown
Christina Estela Brown
Research Agricultural Economist, USDA ERS
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Ecological-economic assessment of the effects of freshwater flow in the Florida Everglades on recreational fisheries
CE Brown, MG Bhat, JS Rehage, A Mirchi, R Boucek, V Engel, JS Ault, ...
Science of The Total Environment 627, 480-493, 2018
Non-linear impacts of harmful algae blooms on the coastal tourism economy
S Alvarez, CE Brown, MG Diaz, H O'Leary, D Solís
Journal of Environmental Management 351, 119811, 2024
The economic impacts of tropical cyclones on a mature destination, Florida, USA
CE Brown, S Alvarez, N Eluru, A Huang
Journal of Destination Marketing & Management 20, 100562, 2021
Valuing ecosystem services under climate risk: A case of recreational fisheries in the Florida everglades
CE Brown, MG Bhat, J Rehage
J. Water Resour. Plann. Manage 146 (12), 04020089, 2020
A Game-Theoretic Model of Crop Flood Indemnity in South Florida
CE Brown, MG Bhat
Agricultural and Applied Economics Association (AAEA), 2018
Ecosystem Service Valuation Evidence Map
J Sigman, SM Ritchie, CE Brown, S Tanner, T Kirk
OSF, 2023
Environmental economics as a framework to study the tourism phenomenon
S Alvarez, CE Brown, JW Milon
A Modern Guide to Tourism Economics, 220-236, 2022
Essays on Economic Valuation of Water Resources
CE Brown
Florida International University, 2019
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مقالات 1–8