Telmo de Menezes e Silva Filho
Telmo de Menezes e Silva Filho
Senior Lecturer in Data Science, School of Engineering Maths and Technology, University of Bristol
بريد إلكتروني تم التحقق منه على bristol.ac.uk
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Beyond temperature scaling: Obtaining well-calibrated multi-class probabilities with Dirichlet calibration
M Kull, MP Nieto, M Kängsepp, T Silva Filho, H Song, P Flach
Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems, 12316-12326, 2019
Beta calibration: a well-founded and easily implemented improvement on logistic calibration for binary classifiers
M Kull, T Silva Filho, P Flach
Artificial Intelligence and Statistics, 623-631, 2017
Hybrid methods for fuzzy clustering based on fuzzy c-means and improved particle swarm optimization
TM Silva Filho, BA Pimentel, RMCR Souza, ALI Oliveira
Expert Systems with Applications 42 (17-18), 6315-6328, 2015
Beyond sigmoids: How to obtain well-calibrated probabilities from binary classifiers with beta calibration
M Kull, TM Silva Filho, P Flach
Electronic Journal of Statistics 11 (2), 5052-5080, 2017
Classifier calibration: a survey on how to assess and improve predicted class probabilities
T Silva Filho, H Song, M Perello-Nieto, R Santos-Rodriguez, M Kull, ...
Machine Learning 112 (9), 3211-3260, 2023
A parametrized approach for linear regression of interval data
LC Souza, RMCR Souza, GJA Amaral, TM Silva Filho
Knowledge-Based Systems 131, 149-159, 2017
Learning Under Concept Drift for Regression—A Systematic Literature Review
M Lima, M Neto, T Silva Filho, RAA Fagundes
IEEE Access 10, 45410-45429, 2022
-IRT: A New Item Response Model and its Applications
Y Chen, T Silva Filho, RB Prudencio, T Diethe, P Flach
The 22nd International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics …, 2019
Classifier Calibration: How to assess and improve predicted class probabilities: a survey
T Silva Filho, H Song, M Perello-Nieto, R Santos-Rodriguez, M Kull, ...
arXiv e-prints, arXiv: 2112.10327, 2021
Background Check: A general technique to build more reliable and versatile classifiers
M Perello-Nieto, ES Telmo De Menezes Filho, M Kull, P Flach
2016 IEEE 16th International Conference on Data Mining (ICDM), 1143-1148, 2016
An interval prototype classifier based on a parameterized distance applied to breast thermographic images
MC Araújo, RMCR Souza, RCF Lima, TM Silva Filho
Medical & biological engineering & computing 55 (6), 873-884, 2017
Evaluating regression algorithms at the instance level using item response theory
JVC Moraes, JTS Reinaldo, M Ferreira-Junior, T Silva Filho, ...
Knowledge-Based Systems 240, 108076, 2022
A swarm-trained k-nearest prototypes adaptive classifier with automatic feature selection for interval data
TM Silva Filho, RMCR Souza, RBC Prudêncio
Neural Networks 80, 19-33, 2016
Optimized learning vector quantization classifier with an adaptive euclidean distance
RMCR de Souza, T de M. Silva Filho
International Conference on Artificial Neural Networks, 799-806, 2009
Explaining Learning Performance with Local Performance Regions and Maximally Relevant Meta-Rules
RBC Prudêncio, TM Silva Filho
Brazilian Conference on Intelligent Systems, 550-564, 2022
MaasPenn radiomics reproducibility score: A novel quantitative measure for evaluating the reproducibility of CT-based handcrafted radiomic features
A Ibrahim, B Barufaldi, T Refaee, TM Silva Filho, RJ Acciavatti, ...
Cancers 14 (7), 1599, 2022
Kohonen map-wise regression applied to interval data
LC Souza, BA Pimentel, TM Silva Filho, RMCR de Souza
Knowledge-Based Systems 224, 107091, 2021
Item Response Theory for Evaluating Regression Algorithms
J Moraes, J Reinaldo, TM Silva Filho, RBC Prudêncio
The International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN 2020), Forthcoming, 2020
Fuzzy learning vector quantization approaches for interval data
TM e Silva Filho, RMCR Souza
2013 IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems (FUZZ-IEEE), 1-8, 2013
A two-level Item Response Theory model to evaluate speech synthesis and recognition
CS Oliveira, JVC Moraes, T Silva Filho, RBC Prudêncio
Speech Communication 137, 19-34, 2022
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مقالات 1–20