Per M. Gustavsson, PhD
Per M. Gustavsson, PhD
CISO / Affiliate Research Faculty / Affilated Faculty / Adjunct Senior
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Towards a framework to detect multi-stage advanced persistent threats attacks
P Bhatt, ET Yano, P Gustavsson
2014 IEEE 8th international symposium on service oriented system engineering …, 2014
A Strategy for Ontology Research for the Coalition Battle Management Language (C--BML) Product Development Group
C Blais, C Turnitsa, PM Gustavsson
Signature-based activity detection based on Bayesian networks acquired from expert knowledge
F Fooladvandi, C Brax, P Gustavsson, M Fredin
Information Fusion, 2009. FUSION'09. 12th International Conference on, 436-443, 2009
Gamified Training for Cyber Defence: Methods and Automated Tools for Situation and Threat Assessment
JA Amorim, M Hendrix, SF Andler, PM Gustavsson
2013 Nato Modelling & Simulation Group (NMSG) Multi-Workshop,MSG-111, 2013
BLACK-CACTUS–Towards an Agile Joint/Coalition Embedded C2 Training Environment
P Gustavsson, MR Hieb, M Groenkvist, V Kamath, J Blomberg, ...
IEEE Spring Simulation Interoperability Workshop, Providence, RI, 2008
Challenges for critical infrastructure resilience: cascading effects of payment system disruptions
J van Laere, P Berggren, PM Gustavsson, O Ibrahim, B Johansson, ...
14th International Conference on Information Systems for Crisis Response and …, 2017
Extending the scope of situation analysis
L Niklasson, M Riveiro, F Johansson, A Dahlbom, G Falkman, T Ziemke, ...
2008 11th international conference on information fusion, 1-8, 2008
Machine Interpretable Representation of Commander's Intent
PM Gustavsson, P Hieb, Michael R, Moore, P Eriksson, L Niklasson
13th ICCRTS, 2008
SMARTracIn: A concept for spoof resistant tracking of vessels and detection of adverse intentions
SF Andler, M Fredin, PM Gustavsson, J van Laere, M Nilsson, P Svenson
Sensors, and Command, Control, Communications, and Intelligence (C3I …, 2009
LVC aspects and integration of live simulation
PM Gustavsson, U Björkman, J Wemmergård
2009 Fall Simulation Interoperability Workshop, Orlando, Florida, 2009
Expanding the Management Language Smorgasbord towards Standardization of Crisis Management Language (CML)
M Gustavsson, P.M., Wemmergård, J., Garcia, J.J. and Norstedt‐Larsson
2006 SimSafe, 2006
Expanding the Management Language Smorgasbord towards Standardization of Crisis Management Language (CML).
M Gustavsson, P.M., Wemmergård, J., Garcia, J.J. , Norstedt‐Larsson
European Simulation Interoperability Workshop,, 2006
Expanding the Management Language Smorgasbord towards Standardization of Coalition-Crisis Management Language C-CML
PM Gustavsson, J Wemmergård, J Garcia, MN Larsson
IEEE Spring Simulation Interoperability Workshop, San Diego CA, 2006
Multi-Schema and Multi-Server Advances for C2-Simulation Interoperation in MSG-085
JM Pullen, D Corner, R Wittman, A Brook, PM Gustavsson, U Schade, ...
MSG-111, 2013
Coalition Battle Management Language (C-BML) phase 1 specification development: an update to the M&S community
C Blais, J Abbott, S Diallo, S Levine, PM Gustavsson, E Nero, C Turnitsa
Fall Simulation Interoperability Workshop, 1-9, 2009
Operations intent and effects model
PM Gustavsson, MR Hieb, P Moore, P Eriksson, L Niklasson
The Journal of Defense Modeling and Simulation 8 (1), 37-59, 2011
Towards service oriented simulations
PM Gustavsson, Å Björk, C Brax, T Planstedt
Fall Simulation Interoperability Workshop 2004: FallSIW 04, 2004
Augmented Reality and Mixed Reality Technologies: Enhancing Training and Mission Preparation with Simulations
JA Amorim, ARM Cuperschmid, PM Gustavsson, CT Pozzer
Nato Modelling & Simulation Group (NMSG) Multi-Workshop,MSG-111, 2013
Incorporating C2-Simulation Interoperability Services Into an Operational C2 System
JM Pullen, D Corner, PM Gustavsson, M Grönkvist
18th ICCRTS, 2013
One Step Further Towards the Next Generation Training Systems
PM Gustavsson, S Lundmark
Interservice/Industry Training, Simulation, and Education Conference (I/ITSEC), 2007
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مقالات 1–20