Bilgin Metin
Bilgin Metin
Professor of Management Information Systems, Bogazici University
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Supplementary inductance simulator topologies employing single DXCCII
B Metin
Radioengineering 20 (3), 614-618, 2011
A novel floating lossy inductance realization topology with NICs using current conveyors
B Metin, O Cicekoglu
IEEE Transactions On Circuits And Systems II: Express Briefs 53 (6), 483-486, 2006
All‐pass filters using DDCC‐and MOSFET‐based electronic resistor
B Metin, K Pal, O Cicekoglu
International Journal of Circuit Theory and Applications 39 (8), 881-891, 2011
A low power current controllable single-input three-output current-mode filter using MOS transistors only
L Safari, S Minaei, B Metin
AEU-International Journal of Electronics and Communications 68 (12), 1205-1213, 2014
Cascadable allpass filter with a single DO-CCII and a grounded capacitor
B Metin, K Pal
Analog Integrated Circuits and Signal Processing 61, 259-263, 2009
Component reduced all-pass filter with a grounded capacitor and high-impedance input
B Metin, O Cicekoglu
International Journal of Electronics 96 (5), 445-455, 2009
A new CMOS dual-X second generation current conveyor (DXCCII) with an FDNR circuit application
F Kacar, B Metin, H Kuntman
AEU-International Journal of Electronics and Communications 64 (8), 774-778, 2010
MOSFET-only multi-function biquad filter
E Arslan, B Metin, O Cicekoglu
AEU-International Journal of Electronics and Communications 69 (12), 1737-1740, 2015
A CMOS DCCII with a grounded capacitor based cascadable all-pass filter application
B Metin, N Herencsar, K Vrba
Společnost pro radioelektronické inženýrství, 2012
VDDDA-New ‘voltage differencing’device for analog signal processing
N Herencsar, R Sotner, B Metin, J Koton, K Vrba
2013 8th International Conference on Electrical and Electronics Engineering …, 2013
MOS-only second order current-mode LP/BP filter
E Arslan, B Metin, H Kuntman, O Cicekoglu
Analog Integrated Circuits and Signal Processing 74, 105-109, 2013
Canonical inductor simulators with grounded capacitors using DCCII
B Metin
International Journal of Electronics 99 (7), 1027-1035, 2012
Supplementary first-order all-pass filters with two grounded passive elements using FDCCII
B Metin, N Herencsar, K Pal
Radioengineering 20 (2), 433-437, 2011
A new all-pass section for high-performance signal processing with a single CCII–
B Metin, A Toker, H Terzioglu, O Cicekoglu
Frequenz 57 (11-12), 241-243, 2003
High performance wideband CMOS CCI and its application in inductance simulator design
E Arslan, B Metin, N Herencsar, J Koton, A Morgul, O Cicekoglu
Advances in Electrical and Computer Engineering 12 (3), 21-26, 2012
Voltage-mode MOS-only all-pass filter
B Metin, E Arslan, N Herencsar, O Cicekoglu
2011 34th International Conference on Telecommunications and Signal …, 2011
CMOS‐controlled inverting CDBA with a new all‐pass filter application
B Metin, K Pal, O Cicekoglu
International Journal of Circuit Theory and Applications 39 (4), 417-425, 2011
All-pass filter for rich cascadability options easy IC implementation and tunability
B Metin, K Pal, O Cicekoglu
International Journal of Electronics 94 (11), 1037-1045, 2007
Novel first-order all-pass filter applications of z-copy voltage differencing current conveyor
R Sotner
Indian Journal of Pure & Applied Physics (IJPAP) 53 (8), 537-545, 2015
DCCII-based novel lossless grounded inductance simulators with no element matching constrains
B Metin, N Herencsar, J Koton, JW Horng
Radioengineering 23 (1), 532-539, 2014
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مقالات 1–20