Bruce Mehler
Bruce Mehler
Research Scientist, MIT
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Impact of incremental increases in cognitive workload on physiological arousal and performance in young adult drivers
B Mehler, B Reimer, JF Coughlin, JA Dusek
Transportation research record 2138 (1), 6-12, 2009
Sensitivity of Physiological Measures for Detecting Systematic Variations in Cognitive Demand From a Working Memory Task
B Mehler, B Reimer, J Coughlin
Human Factors-Journal of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society 54 (3 …, 2012
Autonomous vehicles and alternatives to driving: trust, preferences, and effects of age
H Abraham, C Lee, S Brady, C Fitzgerald, B Mehler, B Reimer, ...
Proceedings of the transportation research board 96th annual meeting, 8-12, 2017
Classifying driver workload using physiological and driving performance data: two field studies
ET Solovey, M Zec, EA Garcia Perez, B Reimer, B Mehler
Proceedings of the SIGCHI conference on human factors in computing systems …, 2014
The validity of driving simulation for assessing differences between in-vehicle informational interfaces: A comparison with field testing
Y Wang, B Mehler, B Reimer, V Lammers, LA D'Ambrosio, JF Coughlin
Ergonomics 53 (3), 404-420, 2010
The impact of cognitive workload on physiological arousal in young adult drivers: a field study and simulation validation
B Reimer, B Mehler
Ergonomics 54 (10), 932-942, 2011
MIT advanced vehicle technology study: Large-scale naturalistic driving study of driver behavior and interaction with automation
L Fridman, DE Brown, M Glazer, W Angell, S Dodd, B Jenik, J Terwilliger, ...
IEEE Access 7, 102021-102038, 2019
Autonomous vehicles, trust, and driving alternatives: A survey of consumer preferences
H Abraham, C Lee, S Brady, C Fitzgerald, B Mehler, B Reimer, ...
Massachusetts Inst. Technol, AgeLab, Cambridge 1 (16), 2018-12, 2016
MIT AgeLab delayed digit recall task (n-back)
B Mehler, B Reimer, JA Dusek
Cambridge, MA: Massachusetts Institute of Technology 17, 33, 2011
To walk or not to walk: Crowdsourced assessment of external vehicle-to-pedestrian displays
L Fridman, B Mehler, L Xia, Y Yang, LY Facusse, B Reimer
arXiv preprint arXiv:1707.02698, 2017
A field study on the impact of variations in short-term memory demands on drivers’ visual attention and driving performance across three age groups
B Reimer, B Mehler, Y Wang, JF Coughlin
Human factors 54 (3), 454-468, 2012
Cognitive load estimation in the wild
L Fridman, B Reimer, B Mehler, WT Freeman
Proceedings of the 2018 chi conference on human factors in computing systems …, 2018
The sensitivity of different methodologies for characterizing drivers’ gaze concentration under increased cognitive demand
Y Wang, B Reimer, J Dobres, B Mehler
Transportation research part F: traffic psychology and behaviour 26, 227-237, 2014
Monitoring, managing, and motivating driver safety and well-being
JF Coughlin, B Reimer, B Mehler
IEEE Pervasive Computing 10 (3), 14-21, 2011
The impact of distractions on young adult drivers with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)
B Reimer, B Mehler, LA D’Ambrosio, R Fried
Accident Analysis & Prevention 42 (3), 842-851, 2010
An investigation of the relationship between the driving behavior questionnaire and objective measures of highway driving behavior
N Zhao, B Mehler, B Reimer, LA D’Ambrosio, A Mehler, JF Coughlin
Transportation research part F: traffic psychology and behaviour 15 (6), 676-685, 2012
A comparison of heart rate and heart rate variability indices in distinguishing single-task driving and driving under secondary cognitive workload
B Mehler, B Reimer, Y Wang
Driving Assessment Conference 6 (2011), 2011
MIT autonomous vehicle technology study: Large-scale deep learning based analysis of driver behavior and interaction with automation
L Fridman, DE Brown, M Glazer, W Angell, S Dodd, B Jenik, J Terwilliger, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:1711.06976 1 (9), 2017
Brief report: Examining driving behavior in young adults with high functioning autism spectrum disorders: A pilot study using a driving simulation paradigm
B Reimer, R Fried, B Mehler, G Joshi, A Bolfek, KM Godfrey, N Zhao, ...
Journal of autism and developmental disorders 43, 2211-2217, 2013
Self-reported and observed risky driving behaviors among frequent and infrequent cell phone users
N Zhao, B Reimer, B Mehler, LA D’Ambrosio, JF Coughlin
Accident Analysis & Prevention 61, 71-77, 2013
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مقالات 1–20