Gregory Dess
Gregory Dess
بريد إلكتروني تم التحقق منه على utdallas.edu
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Clarifying the entrepreneurial orientation construct and linking it to performance
GT Lumpkin, GG Dess
Academy of management Review 21 (1), 135-172, 1996
Dimensions of organizational task environments
GG Dess, DW Beard
Administrative science quarterly, 52-73, 1984
Measuring organizational performance in the absence of objective measures: the case of the privately‐held firm and conglomerate business unit
GG Dess, RB Robinson Jr
Strategic management journal 5 (3), 265-273, 1984
Linking two dimensions of entrepreneurial orientation to firm performance: The moderating role of environment and industry life cycle
GT Lumpkin, GG Dess
Journal of business venturing 16 (5), 429-451, 2001
Porter's (1980) generic strategies as determinants of strategic group membership and organizational performance
GG Dess, PS Davis
Academy of Management journal 27 (3), 467-488, 1984
Entrepreneurial strategy making and firm performance: Tests of contingency and configurational models
GG Dess, GT Lumpkin, JG Covin
Strategic management journal 18 (9), 677-695, 1997
The role of entrepreneurial orientation in stimulating effective corporate entrepreneurship
GG Dess, GT Lumpkin
Academy of Management Perspectives 19 (1), 147-156, 2005
Strategic management: Text and cases
GG Dess, GT Lumpkin, AB Eisner, G McNamara
McGraw-Hill, 2014
Voluntary turnover, social capital, and organizational performance
GG Dess, JD Shaw
Academy of management review 26 (3), 446-456, 2001
Enhancing entrepreneurial orientation research: Operationalizing and measuring a key strategic decision making process
DW Lyon, GT Lumpkin, GG Dess
Journal of management 26 (5), 1055-1085, 2000
Emerging issues in corporate entrepreneurship
GG Dess, RD Ireland, SA Zahra, SW Floyd, JJ Janney, PJ Lane
Journal of management 29 (3), 351-378, 2003
Changing roles: Leadership in the 21st century
GG Dess, JC Picken
Organizational dynamics 28 (3), 18-34, 2000
Industry effects and strategic management research
GG Dess, RD Ireland, MA Hitt
Journal of management 16 (1), 7-27, 1990
Consensus on strategy formulation and organizational performance: Competitors in a fragmented industry
GG Dess
Strategic management journal 8 (3), 259-277, 1987
Linking corporate entrepreneurship to strategy, structure, and process: Suggested research directions
GG Dess, GT Lumpkin, JE McGee
Entrepreneurship theory and practice 23 (3), 85-102, 1999
Divergence between archival and perceptual measures of the environment: Causes and consequences
BK Boyd, GG Dess, AMA Rasheed
Academy of management review 18 (2), 204-226, 1993
Assessing Porter's (1980) model in terms of its generalizability, accuracy and simplicity
A Miller, GG Dess
Journal of management studies 30 (4), 553-585, 1993
Corporate-level strategy, business-level strategy, and firm performance
DW Beard, GG Dess
Academy of management Journal 24 (4), 663-688, 1981
Inherent limitations of demographic proxies in top management team heterogeneity research
RL Priem, DW Lyon, GG Dess
Journal of Management 25 (6), 935-953, 1999
Dirección estratégica: creando ventajas competitivas
GG Dess, GT Lumpkin, OR Hernáez
McGraw-Hill, 2003
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مقالات 1–20